akira again? x reader

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Help im obbessesed with akira >~<)

Ugh.... there she goes again...

Hey look! Its the nobody

It's her...

Keep away from her, i hear she's bad luck

The words... they hurt you more than death. All you wanted was a normal life but you didnt have one. Everything was hard. All you wished was for all the pain to go away...

Thunder boomed. You woke up in a fright as you dreamt of your past. Slowly, you slid out of bed and sighed. The rain poured and the tree hit against your window hard. It didnt bother you. So, you got ready for school, sliding your (colour of choice) jacket on, hiding thee scars on your arms.

You'd cut yourself at times to take your mind off things. But it wouldnt hurt. You'd tried so much to the point it became a habit. Everyone knew.... but majority of them didnt care.

You take a quick glance at the time and ran out in a hurry. You were almost late.

Time skip

As you entered the class, you quietly listened to the rumors as you pretended to read a book.

"Hey did you hear? The new transfer student is coming today"

"Oh really? "

"There was a transfer student coming?"

"Yeah and i heard  she or he was on probation"

"Oof... it looks like we have more people to avoid..."

They quickly glance at you amd other students and went back to their gossiping.

'I wonder what the transfer's like...'

You thought to yourself as you looked out the window,  waiting for time to pass.

~Time skip~

'It's been four hours since school started and the transfer isn'tstill here...'

You thought to yourself as you ate in the bathroom stalls alone. Munching on your bento quietly, you hwar the foor opening. The sound of shoes clicking against the floor filled the room. Your heart skipped a beat.

"Y/N~" a voiced cooed. "Where are you~"

You stayed silent, covering your mouth in fear as you slowly closed the box of your bento. But as you closed it, it made a loud click against its sides. Your heart stopped for a second as another voice came awas heard.

"Over hear~!" A voice highly obnoxious was heard. They looked under the stall to see you there, cowering in fear as all the girls giggled.  The all moved away and they started to do something that mafe you curious, yet scared.

Suddenly, water was spilled on you as laughs was heard from outsidw the stall.

The bell rang for fourth period.

"Have fun! Slut" they all laughef as you opened the stall of your door and walked to class, your food gettinga little wet from the water.

"Why cant the leave me alone?" You ask yourself ax you entered your class.

"Care to explai- !!!" You glanced at miss Kawakami as she gasped. You looked at the class next to hear them muttering as you sighed. Some snickers were heard but you didn't care. Then your dull eyes trailed to your seat and you walked over to it.

"L-L/N - san! Do you want to change your clothes?" Miss Kawakami asked as you shook your head and sat down.

"Are you sure?" She asked again as you ignored her.

"...." there was an awkward silence till Miss Kawakami breaks the silence.

"I-I kniw it's a little kate but i will introduce you to the new transfer student. He was feeling sick this morning and couldnt come for morning classes" Some whispering was heard. " you may come in"

A lanky boy with black, frizzy hair came in and stood beforw the class.

"I am Akira Kurusu. It's a pleasure meeting you all." He gave a small bow.

"Your seat will be infront of that girl with the (hair colour) hair and (hair style). (((((A/N: pretend that guy behind him isnt there....)))))

He nodded and began making his way to you.

"Lies" a blonde girl said as he stared at her.

"Your that girl...."

The sound of whispering was heard again and he sat down on his seat.

More later because i need to think more stuff ))

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