Chapter 4 - The Figured Out & More

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Chapter 4 – The Figured Out & More

July 2 Months Later (Their Mom’s POV)

Things have changed over the last 2 months for the better. My husband Scott called a family meeting to discuss Joanna’s secrets and a problem Bobby was having with his parents. We forgave Paulie and Bobby except Jay had to have a fist fight with him before all was forgiven. Bobby told his parents which in the end they disowned him so he moved in with us and before his 18th birthday we legally adopted him changing his last name to Harman & taking Sharp off of James’ birth certificate. We were more than willing to have him for our son since we already count him as 1 and he basically has been living with us since he became Jay’s friend in 9th grade.

He comes from a very wealthy family that puts their careers & money before their children. He has 3 older sisters that range in ages 38-30 so he’s never met them because the oldest was in college and the other 2 were off at the same boarding school but, all 3 of his sisters are really close to each other so his always been on his own until Jay came along. Paulie and him have everything worked out and she is more than welcome to have him be the father James needs plus Paulie also is going to make sure James knows who his birth mom was. Bobby now has legal visitation rights to him and a written promise to pay child support after he graduates college.

Last month our 3 boys graduated high school so Jay will be moving 3 states away on a football scholarship at the end of summer, Clay still has no clue what he’s doing yet, and Bobby is going to go to a college nearby on a basketball scholarship & still live with us to stay close to James. I hate to see my son move so far from home like any normal mother you’re never really ready to let them go and what makes it worse is Clay might do the same making me feel like I’m losing 2 more of my children but, I know this day would come sooner or later so I’m going to enjoy the time I have left with them.

Today I helped Paulie finish packing the rest of her house because she’s moving in with us so we’re all closer to James and so Bobby can be there every day for him. I see why Joanna picked Paulie to be James’ mother, she’s a great mom, and why she fell in love with Bobby, he’s a good guy. I’m not completely happy with all of my daughter’s choices but, she saw the bigger picture putting others a head of herself like she always did. I’m proud of her for doing what was best for her son and what she thought was best for Bobby even though it broke her heart twice. I’ll miss my lovely daughter with all my heart.   

Right now I’m standing in some room in my house blindfolded because Scott has a surprise for me. He told me it needed to be done so I just need to understand. I’m a little worried he did something that he shouldn’t have without talking to me first.

“Okay, you can take the blindfold off Honey.”

I take it off to find baby stuff nicely placed around the room, the walls covered all the way around with family photos starting from the beginning on the right side of the door moving up with time, and Jo’s desk still in the corner where she always had it. Wait a minute this is her room.

I turn around to face Scott fighting back the tears. “You change her room without me? Where is all her stuff Scott?”

“I know you come in here at night and cry Anna. I can’t stand you going though this much pain anymore. I love you too much to let you use this room as a shrine to her and this is what she would of wanted. The photos are to remember every moment we had with her and this will be James’ room now. I put all her stuff in our storage room in the basement. You know you would have left it how she left it but, I’m not letting you hurt this much anymore and you know it’s time for you to move on. You know I’m right.”

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