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WILMER P.O.V.: We went to the burgery, we didn't talk in that time, once we were eating she started laughing a bit.

Wilmer: what are you laughing at?

Demi: it makes me laugh how uncomfortable this situation is

Wilmer: I do not feel uncomfortable, you know?

Demi: can I call you Wilmer? I like your name

Wilmer: you can call me whatever you want, only if I can call you Demi

Demi: (smiled at me) Of course you can

Wilmer: are you in a good mood?

Demi: something like that, I love hamburgers so it makes me happy to eat one for free

Wilmer: you let me taste your fries? They look richer than mine

Demi: okay (she gave me a potato and I ate her looking her in the eyes) too fast

Wilmer: what thing?

Demi: you're something hot

Wilmer: and you are really, very pretty

Demi: I like what I hear (she winked at me and when I touched her hand lightly, she got up from the seat) it's getting late, we better go back to work

Wilmer: I wanted to eat more

Demi: hamburger?

Wilmer: (laughed) no, something else

Demi: let's go, I'll give you an ice cream there

Wilmer: I like that (she grabbed mi arm and we got back to work) and the dessert?

Demi: sorry if you believed it...I have no ice cream here

Wilmer: you're so evil

Demi: I know, but actually...we could eat together at night, right? I liked the lunch with my bossy (she said touching my arm so softly)

Wilmer: I liked it too, and yes...we can have dinner, I'll pick you up and we'll go to my favorite restaurant

Demi: kay

Wilmer: see you

Demi: yup (she walked in her office and I smiled... I'm gonna fuck her tonight)

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