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The wind blew violently as he stepped inside, the rain pounding on the window.

He smiled taking off his jacket "Hinata we can finally talk face to face" he walked closer and I moved further away.

"There nothing to talk about! we've been broken up for a year now" my back hit the wall, placing one hand next to my head he takes the other running his finger down the side of my face. My knees weakened I hated how much power he had over me. "shhh" he placed his finger over my lips "I still love you, why don't you understand that?" he ruffles his brown hair

 "shhh" he placed his finger over my lips "I still love you, why don't you understand that?" he ruffles his brown hair

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"Nathan I don't love you anymore" I whispered scared of how he was going to react.

He slams his fist on the wall "Hinata you don't mean that... you love me don't you?" his eyes scan my body, he frowns "where are you going?" his voice stern and harsh I flinch at his words.

"I'm meeting Tenten... we are going for dinner" I spoke carefully, he closed his eyes "you're going with a guy I know it, DON'T LIE TO ME!" he walked back and forth, I ran over to my phone "who are you calling!" i showed him my screen "It's Tenten" Tenten picked up "Hinata where the hell are you? it's freezing you know" I hung up and looked back at him his eyes softened. "Hin-" he tilted my head up to his, pressing his lips against mine.

I melted into his kiss I hated him but he still had a hold on me, the way his brown eyes looked at me...the way his hair fell over his face...his hand snaked around my waist pulling me closer to his body, my hands travelled under his shirt tracing his toned stomach that I knew all too well..

Nathan wasn't just good-looking he could be sweet and caring but he had a way with words. He could smooth talk anyone, it got me every time I caught him cheating. When I was finally brave enough to leave him, he flipped out and wouldn't stop trying to contact me and now here he was kissing me.

His trousers were gone my bra was somewhere.. his hands gripped my hair as I slid down his boxers...

The next morning I awoke to my phone going off. *Hinata!!! answer your damn phone NOW!*

I sighed looking to my other side seeing Nathan laying next to me with his hand still around me. I remove his hand carefully walking into the bathroom and called Tenten " Tenten I'm so sorry -"

"I'm not even angry anymore from waiting in the cold for 2 hours!" she sounded like she was still mad "Hinata I know you have a good excuse" "ahh Nathans here.."


"Look Tenten calm down and don't come over here it's fine he came last night and.."

"You mean when you called me he was there?" her voice was much calmer


"and he's still there?" her voice went higher



"You guys-"

"yup" I cut her off

"okay..well I know it's been months since you've gotten any"

" Tenten really?" I laughed

"No matter how good his D*** is you need to stay away please!"She sighed

"I know but he sucks me in every time"

"I get it but I don't want you to get hurt so promise me this will be the last time"

" Tenten I-I promise" although deep down I still had feelings for Nathan.

"Keep that promise Hinata...I'll call you later" she hung the phone up

I got in the shower and when I left the bathroom Nathan was awake on his phone. "moring" my voice caught his attention. "Morning" he slid from under the covers and kissed me on the forehead before making his way into the bathroom. 

I went into the kitchen and started on breakfast, he soon came in and sat down on the coach.
I handed him a plate of food, he took it thanking me
We ate in silence "Nathan...we should have never-"
"You regret last night?" His eyes darkened "y-yes"
He got up and put his plate in the sink "I don't" he walked over to me and sat down. "Well we're not a couple anymore so" I averted his gaze, his fingers ran through my hair "from the way you were screaming my name last night I would say we are" 

"It was a mistake-"
"No it WASN'T!" His hand was dangerously close to my neck. I moved my head away and his hand latched onto my neck...
He squeezed, I took the knife from my plate and held it up to him. His eyes were dazed over 'does he even realize what he's doing?'
He scoffed slapping the knife out my hand I could feel the cold steel slice on my cheek. The blood trickled down my face and landed on his hand. Once he saw the blood he snapped out of his daze, letting go of me.

I inhaled sharply and dropped to the floor looking up at him. Not once has he ever put his hands on me, this would be the last time I ever give into him "You fucking...bastard" I wiped the blood from my face, he was wide-eyed but I knew there was no remorse in his eyes, he walked over to the door swinging it open so hard it hit the wall causing a loud bang.

I laid there looking at my hands stained with blood...'why didn't I tell him to leave last night?'
He's going to come back... I let the tears fall 'why me?'

Raven haired guy
I parked the car and got out *bang* I looked up seeing a guy walking out of one the apartments
'Doesn't that apartment belong to that girl that was watching me in the elevator?'
Entering the building I pressed the button for the elevator, once it opens I see the guys face.  He doesn't pay me any attention and walks out.
His face was furious and had a deadly aura around him.
'Did they get into an argument?'
'Should I see if she's okay?' The thought kept popping up in my mind but I chose to ignore it...

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