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"Morning" his breath tickled my neck, I yawned
"Morning Sasuke" I giggled as he kissed my neck.
"I'll fix us something to eat" he warmth disappeared as he got up and stretched.

"I'm gonna go to my apartment and get some stuff" I searched for my clothing "want me to come with you?" He asked "it's alright, I will be fine" I smiled

Closing the door behind me, I smiled thinking of last night 'are we together now?' I thought but at the same time I didn't know anything about him "I'll ask him later"

Reaching my apartment, my stomach dropped as I walked In...I looked down at the spot where I was laying with Nathan on top of me.
"Don't think about it Hinata" I got into my bathroom brushed my teeth and showered. I also packed another bag to take back to Tentens house.

I still wasn't ready to come back here.

Walking along the hallway to Sasuke's apartment something didn't seem right...
I continued further and noticed the door was open 'didn't I close after I left?' I definitely remember it being closed. Each step I took felt like I was sinking into the ground "Sasuke!" I called out as I looked over at the kitchen, the stove was on but he wasn't present. "Sasuke" I repeated hoping to hear him respond.

I turned the stove off "Sasuke" my voice trembling, I checked all the rooms...all empty.
"Sasuke-Sasuke-Sasuke please respond" I dropped to my knees. "Why why" I shook my head "I need to find him...please be safe Sasuke" tears were threating to fall.

*ring ring ring*
My head darted towards the sound "Sasuke's phone" it was on the couch
*ring ring*
I rushed over frantically and picked it up

Caller ID: Naruto
'Naruto?' Maybe one of his friends
I answered the call
"Sasuke!! I've been trying to reach you for days answer your damn phone idiot!!"
"Umm" my voice quite
"Ehh? Sasuke?"
"Sorry this isn't Sasuke, actually I think something's happened to him!"
"Send me your address NOW!"
He hung up

I sent the address and put the phone down.
'Just 20 minutes ago he was here...' I held my head in my hands and let the tears fall "this is all my fault"


I paced back and forth in the room, where was he? I don't have time to wait for him I should go.
As soon I began walking towards the door loud banging came from the other side.
"Open the door"
I opened it and a tall blond haired man rushed in.
He stared at me for a bit and I stared back his eyes were the bluest I've ever seen..."Naruto?" I spoke

"Y-Yes I'm Naruto" he grinned
"I'm Hinata" I smiled back
"What happened with Sasuke? Where did that bastard disappear to now?"

"I have a feeling it has something to do with Nathan-"
"Nathan! What does he want with Sasuke?"
Naruto clenched his fists "H-he's my ex and he probably kidnapped Sasuke"
"Your ex? So you and Sasuke are together"
"You could say that but right now we need to go to Nathan's house"

We left and Naruto lead me to his car "let's go"
I gave him the address and he sped off.
"I didn't think Sasuke would be able to move on after what happened" Naruto gave me a side glance
"After what happened?" What exactly lead Sasuke to even come to this place?

"If he hasn't told you then I can't but-" he glanced at me again "H-Hinata have w-we met before?"
"I do think so" I looked towards the road we were approaching Nathan's house.
"Ahh I'm sad you don't recognize me Hinata" he smirked, his eyes lids lowered as his eyes dulled
"W-what?" My hands began shaking once I realized that he drove the car around the back of the house, which I knew was the secret entrance to the basement were Nathan's held meetings and negotiated deals.

From being with Nathan for so long, I began to get curious about what he was so secretive about and one day I followed him with the help of Tenten and discovered a lot of things I wish I hadn't.

"Who do you think was watching over you when Nathan left the house and you were all alone in this mansion" he chuckled, he stopped the car and grabbed my wrist "I was the one that kidnapped Sasuke once you left the apartment, put my number into his phone and watched you panic! Haha once you came back I then called and acted as if I cared about that fucking idiot!" His laugh became hysterical.

He dragged me out of the car and with one hand around my neck, and the other holding my arms behind my back, he guided me to the outside entrance.

I noticed a keypad near the door "after you and your friend broke into this entrance I made sure to get a passcode, did you think we didn't know" he turned my head so I didn't see the code and the door opened....

Winter Nights (Sasuke x Hinata)Where stories live. Discover now