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I remember where Nathan kept his keys if I can grab those and get to Sasuke...However, that's easier said than done. I looked around the room he must have a gun or something, you searched his wardrobe, under his bed, the draws in the desk...nothing.

Walking over to the door I peeked out 'empty'
No sign of anyone but Nathan could be on his way back, I took the chance and went to the kitchen. Finding a small blade I snuck back into the room luckily Nathan wasn't in there.
Turned quickly, hiding the knife in my palm behind my back. He stood there, eyes blank. He takes a deep breath before proceeding to walk in. I shift onto the bed stretching my hand behind me and underneath the pillow carefully. Leaving the knife behind I adjust myself on the bed laying down.

He still didn't speak but I could see his eyes traveling. The silk nightdress he provided hiked up to my upper thigh, teasing him a little I separated my legs just enough for glimpses of my underwear. He adjusted his stance intrigued by my actions. Running my hand up my thigh I removed that thin material exposing what he really wanted. The small smile and the growing tent in his pants were all I needed.

Without a word he lowered himself to me I gripped his head in place as he worked his mouth, my leg wrapped around him. I let out soft moans while my other hand reached for the blade. Was I ready to do this? And if he dies what then? I'll have murder on my hands...could I live with that? My hand began shaking as I unveiled the knife from the pillow.

Pressing the point of the knife to his neck, he stiffens.
Unwrapping my legs he sits up "Your going to let me go" I told him "never thought you had it in you Hinata, seems I've rubbed off on you...I'm impressed" I pressed further "Did you let Sasuke go like you said?" He sighed "you know I keep my word" "yet you could never stay faithful" I spat
His eyebrows knotted "I know how much I hurt you but even with all those other girls I always came home to you Hina" he reached his hand out lightly touching my face " Don't touch me!" I instinctively jumped back, he reaches for the knife. Swinging the knife down I stab his hand. He yells out in pain and I scramble to the door.
"HINATAA" he screams


I ran to the staircase he continues to scream at me, his footsteps heavy on the wooden floors. Traces of blood followed after him.
Into the living area the center table and if I remember correctly had a slide-out compartment on the underside. My fingers traced for the hidden compartment quickly, once I found it, it clicked and slid out I grabbed the keys there was also a gun. I could hear Nathan getting closer should I take it?
Again, was I willing to risk what would come from taking it?
I decided against it and headed for the door.

"DON'T MOVE" I turned my head seeing Nathan aiming the same gun at me. "Nathan plea-se" I pleaded "please" I cried "don't open that door" he spoke "damn it Hinata!  why couldn't you just forgive and move back In with me we could have avoided all this" "and what Nathan? let you continue cheating on me?! There's only so much a person can take, let me go Nathan..."
"Why him?" He lowered the gun breathing heavily " he's sweet, kind, he would do anything to protect me he's everything you're not"
"I am those things-"
"Look at us Nathan if you were would you be doing this?"

"Your right Hina but if I can't have you then he can't either" he raised his hand, my eyes closed shut. The gun went off


Opening my eyes cautiously Nathan's body hit the floor blood encircled him. My eyes shifted to the new hole in the door above my head and then towards the man standing above him. His face bloody he held the gun to Nathan's head "I told you I'll kill you"
The gunshot echoed
He stood up walking over to me, picking me up
"I've got you now" he smiled
He brought me to the car, I noticed Naruto's body laying on the ground.
Using my key He places me in the back seat. He starts up the car engine. His phone rang "I took care of it father" he spoke briefly before hanging up "who are you?" Was this even the Sasuke I knew?

"I-I originally came here to find out who killed my wife. My father didn't want me to seek revenge, so he purposely didn't give any information about Nathan. The only thing that I knew for certain was that being in this town would give me more answers and it did, I found you...and you so happened to be an ex of his. Once I knew he was the guy I was looking for I promised my wife's family and my own I'll take care of him and I did"

"What was I to you?"
"Hinata I love you, I admit I wasn't expecting for us to happen but It did and I don't regret it"  he stopped the car. Taking my hand "I promise you what I feel for you is real"

I watched him for a moment he seemed genuine "Sasuke I love you too" he smiled driving off.

And that's where our story ends...we drove back to his family's estate they got rid of the dead bodies and made it look like a robbery gone bad. Although I was never allowed to tell Tenten the full story of what happened to Nathan we were both happy he was no longer a threat. I got a new job, Sasuke and I finally made it official life was good until...

Nathan's family started to sniff around and well let's say trouble found its way back into our lives.


A/N: Thank you for reading!❤️ hope you enjoyed the story and I'm sorry it took so long to finish writing this😔❣️

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