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~3 hours before Shen Yue's awkward experience~

-You look so pretty tonight Yueyue. Yinhao complimented Yue happily.

-Thank you Yinhao.

She then made a sign for him to come closer and asked him with a low voice.

-Yinhao are you sure I don't look weird?? I can't see myself and I'm not sure what Jiaqi and Xinxin did to me.

-I heard that Shen yue. Said Xin

-FOR THE LOVE OF THE GOD, will you stop scaring me Xin? Yue squeaked.

- Well you deserved it this time.

- Aww come on Xinxin, I saw you guys were laughing hard while putting make up on me. You guys tease me so much all the time, how am I supposed to know if it isn't another prank of yours??

- Hmm, like I said you're fun to tease and no, we were not laughing at you because you looked funny, we were laughing at your expression Yueyue.

-What's wrong with my expression??

-Yue yue don't you know you have the funniest expressions in this world. Jiaqi joined.

-Exactly, I mean the way you were making faces by narrowing your eyes, it was priceless.

-What did I do? Yue frowned.

Jiaqi started laughing, "You looked like a real blind person Yue. It was epic."

-We can't help but laugh if you look like that yue. Xin said with a smile.

-Fine, fine I'm the joker. Laugh all you want.

-Okay guys, now that we've had our laugh, let's go or we're gonna be late. Yinhao said hurriedly. He then went ahead and told Xin, "You look very beautiful too, Xinxin."

Xin just gave him a smile.

-Stop flirting with each other. Jiaqi and Yue cried out together.

Well this was nothing new to Yue and Jiaqi. Xin and Yinhao liked each other since they were kids. They started dating when they were in middle school and they were utterly cute.

-Okay then let's take our blind princess out and have some fun. Xin shouted out.

-Let's go. We all cheered together.

Yue was holding onto Jiaqi and Xin's arms tightly. She was scared that she's gonna fall. "Thank god they didn't try to make me wear high heels."- yue thought.

Inside the nightclub it was dark with flashes of various colors, that was all Yue could see. A light music was playing in the background. Although she couldn't see she could hear chirping voices of many girls.

She heard one of them saying, "I can't wait to meet the Famous Four. They are so cool."

"Not only cool. They are drop dead gorgeous. How can someone be so good looking?" – Another girl joined.

- See I told you they were handsome. Xin whispered to Yue.

- I heard that Xin. Yinhao said sadly.

- I only said that because they are handsome Yinhao. I can't go ahead and lie now, right?

But I don't care about them. I care about only you.

-Oh come on!!! Both Jiaqi and Yue yelled.

Xin words made Yinhao smile shyly.

-Xin really know how to coax Yinhao. Jiaqi said.

-She sure does. Yue whispered.

Then she could hear someone speaking in the microphone, "Okay Guys, tonight's main event is gonna start now. I know you guys are excited to meet them and I know they don't need any introduction. Let us all welcome the FAMOUS FOUR."

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