Glasses Vs Little Brother

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"Aghhh great, just great." Shen Yue cried out.

It's Friday, so she was very happy. Actually these days she was always in her happy zone.

She was happy because finally her collage life was starting. She's gonna be a freshman and finally she can leave her horrible experience of entrance exams in the past. And her happiness tripled when she learned that the two of her best friends got into the same collage with her. Shen yue has always been a timid person when it's about making new friends and leaving her comfort zone. So she was over the moon when she learned that she won't be starting her university life alone.

So today she was supposed to go out and celebrate with Li Jiaqi, Liu Yinhao and Dong Xin,

Jiaqi, Yinhao, Xinxin were Yue's childhood friends. When they were kids they simply became friends because they all lived in the same neighborhood. But even after spending almost 15 years together they were still friends. They couldn't help it, they grew up together after all.

Jiaqi and Yinhao were the ones who got into the same university as Yue. While Xinxin decided to pursue her dreams of being a surgeon so she got into a renowned medical college.

So all her buddies and she were on the peak of their life. They were gonna go and celebrate, drink alcohols, listen to rock music, dance and have a great Friday night.

Untill her little brother Shen Xian decided to break her glasses. Or do a surgical operation on her glasses.

Shen Yue wore heavy glasses since she were 8 years old because of her myopia. Her eyes got so bad that now she can't even see near objects. She was practically blind without her glasses.

So here she was, an almost blind person holding her two sets of spectacles without their lenses.

"Shen Xian, all I did was go and take a 30 min shower, how dare you did this to my glasses???"- Shen Yue yelled at her 10 years old brother.

Shen Xian innocently replied, "Jie, I was only curious. We read about near and far-sightedness in class today. I only wanted to see how the glasses work for you."

"So you could've come and ask me about it, instead of taking the lenses off the spectacles and destroy my glasses!!!"

Xian made a guilty face and said, " I am so sorry jie. I didn't know that you can't put the lens back on once you've took them off."

" Of course you can't you stupid boy."

Shen yue was trying to calm her self but failing at it badly. She knew she shouldn't be angry at little Xian. He didn't know what he was doing, he was young and as an older sister she should forgive him. But still, it was so stupid of him ruining her glasses.

She sighed and said, "Go and do your homework Xian. And next time you're curious about something, please come and ask me about it first."

Little Xian nodded but instead of going away he made a puppy face and stared at his sister with big teary eyes. He wanted to make sure that he was forgiven.

Yue sighed again.

"Xiao Xian, I'm not mad anymore. So don't cry, okay?"

Shen Yue gave xiao Xian a hug. She had always been affectionate towards Xian. May be it was because her parents were always outside working and she practically raised him.

Little Xian hid his face in his sister's arms. Yue hummed a tune and slowly he calmed down.

He stared at his sister and smiled, "So am I forgiven Jie?"

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