*Hidden Truth's*~6

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So just for shits and giggles, I told ole Stoney everything that happened to me in the last 10 years ending the story with me being in the hospital's burn ward, trying to heal enough so I could go back home. Which as soon as I told him that, he asked me if he needed to take the next flight out of Detroit and head to Vegas to be with me for a while and if I was very badly injured. He did make me laugh on the inside because just speaking with him took me back in time again because he was always like my older loving brother that was always looking out for me and taking care of my silly ass. It warmed my soul knowing that my old friend still cared enough about me to worry himself over me.

I did tell him that I would really like to see him, but he didn't have to come from worrying, that the worst part of my condition was over with, now all that was left was the scraping of the burnt scar tissue and finishing up with the medication drip in my IV. Klayton listened to me ramble on until he jokingly told me to hold that last thought and that he was going to be on the next flight out to hang out with me for a while, just because he missed my silly ass and really needed a little vacation from his music for a while.

I chuckled thru the phone as I told him how awesome it was going to be, then told him that I couldn't wait to reconnect with him...then before he hung up with me, I told him there was also something very important about my past that I needed his help within remembering, because it was really eating me up inside and he was the only one that I remember being around during that particular time in my life. Klayton told me that he would do his best, but his mind wasn't as great as it used to be. I snickered thru the phone before he hung up and said any little bit of information would help, and it would be more than I knew...which was absolutely nada.

When I put the phone up, I laid back down and quickly fell asleep with a huge weight lifted off my mind and chest...along with internal happiness, at knowing that either late tonight or early in the morning I would be seeing my old buddy again, I just hoped like hell that the burns on me didn't turn me into some kind of monstrosity that no one would be able to recognize. I tried asking my mom and brothers how I looked, but I had the feeling they didn't tell me the truth, and that they were just trying to make me feel better, and Stoney, I knew if I asked him he would tell me the cold hard truth, no matter how hurtful it was, because he didn't have a weak or lying bone in his body.

The next morning when I woke up, Stoney was laying back in the chair snoozing away, damn he looked so different, but I knew it was him for all his exotic tattoos and his piercings he had all over him when we did hang out together all the time. His hair was totally whacked out though, instead of his long and kinky goth hair, he was now wearing a killer ass red and black mohawk from hell, but it suited him. I slowly sat up in the bed, as it made the slightest squeak Stoney was wide awake and staring right at me. He grinned at me as he welcomed me back to the land of the awakened. I chuckled at him and said that he wasn't fooling anyone because when I woke up he was sound asleep and cutting some very loud Zz's over there.

Klayton ignored my comment and stood up and stretched out as he walked up to the bed and asked me why in the hell did I insist on killing myself all the time. I told him I didn't do this to myself this time, that it was an explosion that was not planned at all. Then I told him that I didn't want to hear about myself and that he needed to fill me in on everything thats been going on with him. So for the next several hours, I listened to him ramble on about all of his different music ventures, and how successful they were in the video and movie business. Then he told me that he bought my old Amystika Club in Long Island and he was fixing it all up for his new studio when he was away from Detroit, but he said he was going to keep the old decorations and look of it when I owned it just for the good memories he had of the place during that time.

I kept listening until he came up to the point of his long ass flight over here to see me, then the rest was in this moment right now with us chatting with each other. I snickered at him and asked him why he managed to skip the part where he had a beautiful sounding angel that answered his phone for him when I called the other day...then I asked him if he was hiding the fact that he had a girlfriend, or was even married...then I asked him who she was, because she sounded very familiar to me. Klayton walked away from me and looked out the window for a while then he said that she was his girlfriend. But when he didn't press the conversation about her anymore I knew he was hiding something from me, especially when he didn't want to tell me her name.

But I dropped it and went to wanting to ask him of my past that I blocked out, to see if I could get the truth out of him because he was the only one that was there. So I waited for him to sit down on the bed, then I took a breath in, and slowly asked him if he remembered Kc Hutchens. Klayton's body got extremely tense as he looked right at me with a very hurt expression on his face, as he talked in a whisper, that he could never forget about her.

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