Chapter 4 - Selfies and Surprises

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Thanks for reading. 😚


Once we were done with the pizza, we hurried to the second house where we're throwing the party before Andre's grandma got back.

It was a light grey and cream house, Andre showed us around the house it was basically empty since no one stays here.

We passed by the numerous rooms then he showed us the backyard.

How funny, he has a house at the backyard of his house.

Riley looked absolutely in love with the pool and the Jacuzzi.

Once we were done with the tour, we agreed to divide the work since I know absolutely nothing about drugs and alcohol.

I was in charge of the decorations along with the triplets who were also norms

They're Mandy, Melissa and Mildred.

Melissa assisted me with the decorations while Mandy and Mildred handled the snacks.

By Wednesday We were done with the decorations, She literally took pictures and boomerangs of everything while posting them on Instagram.

We were currently arguing about a selfie.

I know, sounds dumb.

But she wants us to do a thread of pictures on her Snapchat and I was tired af.

Where does she get this energy from, I wonder.

Well she won and we took a selfie which turned into a video and a boomerang, *sigh.

Once she was done, we made our way upstairs to meet up with Riley, Her voice was the first thing I heard once we got up the stairs.

It looked like she was irritated by the person she was talking to through the phone.

"What do you couldn't get the cups...No, they can't use a fucking straw... Don't you dare buy sippy cups... Yes the red ones " She sighs in annoyance as she hangs up.

"A little trouble? " I ask with concern.

"Not a little a lot, We sent Zachary to get the cups, I clearly disagreed knowing he's too dumb to be sent on an important errand " She groans then notices Melissa who's laughing at what she said.

She tells her that her sisters are in the backyard, soon she leaves.

"So, why are you all over Melissa's Snapchat and Instagram? " She smirks at me clearly knowing I hate taking pictures.

I roll my eyes at her "Don't ask" .

She laughs as we head out of the house towards the game room in the main house.

The guys walk in as we sit down on the couch.

"I got the cups, thanks to a whole lot of motivation " Zach smiles sweetly, sarcasm laced in his voice.

I laugh as Riley returns his sweet smile, "You are welcome ".

"What else are in the bags? "I ask in Curiosity while gesturing towards the brown paper bags in their hands.

They looked liked they were caught stealing cookie from a cookie jar, you know ' That look '.

"Um, Just stuffs " They chorus as they drop the bags in one corner of the room.

I checked the time and saw it was getting late.

"It's late we should get going " I nudged Riley who glares at me as she's currently eating the remaining pizza Andres grandma just made.

"Um, Lucy could I speak to you? " Andre smiles at me the cute little dimple on his left cheek on full display.

"Sure" I say nervously as I follow him out of the game room .

Andre wanted to talk to me in private, Am I dreaming, I must be dreaming.

"So what'd you want to talk about? " I ask while fumbling with the bracelet on my wrist.

He looked uneasy as he shifted from one foot to the other.

"Would you like to go out with me , like on a date? " He gave me a 100 watt smile.

Hold the hell up.

The Andre, the guy I've been crushing on for four years is asking me on a date, I must be dreaming or high.

Definitely dreaming.

"Um, Lucy? " .

Shit, he's still here.

"Sure, I'd like to go out with you" I smiled nervously as he gave me a cute smile.

I couldn't keep the smile of my face as we got back to the game room.

"It's getting late, Bye " Riley said as she grabbed her purse and left with me behind her.

Once we got in the car, Riley told me to spill the details.

So I told her, about Andre asking me out on a date.

She squealed happily "I totally ship you guys" .

I felt happy for once, I've never been this happy before.

Riley dropped me at my house, saying she'll text me once she gets home.

I unlock the door and notice Sam and Noah are home.

The smell of lasagna drifts through the air, making my mouth water.

"Hey, Mum " I smile and give her a kiss on the cheek.

"My baby" She smiles and hugs me, then tells me to get ready for dinner.

During dinner we catch up on each other.

Once dinner was over, I went to bed with Andre asking me out on replay in my mind.

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