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(December 23rd, 2012)

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(December 23rd, 2012)

Hugh Dancy | Prince Charmont🤴🏼
Amelia Richards | Pond💋

Prince Charmont🤴🏼
Hey, sorry to bother you, but what would you say is a great gift for welcoming someone?

Oh its alright!
As for the gift, hmm, I mean, I would say probably something they like or a gift card

Prince Charmont🤴🏼
The thing is, Idk what she likes except for books😅

Well, what if you got her a notebook or a book from her favorite series?

Prince Charmont🤴🏼
That could work, I might go with the notebook, she already has so many books haha
Thank you!

No problem!




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HUGH HAD JUST FINISHED TEXTING AMY, APPRECIATING THE ADVICE SHE HAD GIVEN HIM. He has trouble picking out gifts most of the time, seeing as he never knew what others really wanted. He stepped into the local mall he found in Los Angeles. There were many stores and he located the one and only Barnes and Nobles to get a notebook for his intended recipient.

The store wasn't that full of people but it was not completely empty either. He quickly went down the countless rows of history and realistic books to arrive by the more miscellaneous items.

True to Amelia's advice, he looked for the notebooks, the high quality ones in fact. After a while, he didn't find any that really stood out. They all seemed very bland. Feeling somewhat defeated, he pulled out his phone again and began to walk to another section of the book store to find something of a similar manner.

And, he accidentally bumped into a woman going in the same direction, but turns out it was Amy. "Hugh?"

"Amy, hello, didn't think I'd bump into you just yet" he laughed, thinking it would be rare they would find each other at some store.

"Small world, I suppose. How's the gift shopping going?" She asked with a smile, remembering his question from before.

He paused at her question, knowing he wasn't exactly succeeding at it so far. "It's going--horribly, unfortunately" he nervously replied, rubbing the bad of head.

"I could help, if you want? A-Although, I probably don't know what your friend would want though"

"That would be great actually!"

"Okay then. First off, what's her favorite genre?"

"I'd probably have to say drama's, murder mysteries even" he answers with his crisp English accent.

"If not a notebook, maybe Nancy Drew? It is a classic and a very drama kind of read"

"I feel like she may already have that"

"Okay, how about something simpler?"

"Such as?"

"Edgar Allen Poe? It may not be the cheeriest gift but it is a wonderful classic" she says as she searches for a great volume of his. "Ah! Here we go!" she exclaims as she picks up a great collection edition of his best works, "Here is one of the best recollections of it"

"Oh, it certainly does seem to have most of it, I see"

"Yeah. The only one I actually don't have, hm. I'm sure your friend will love it"

"Hopefully, she will. Thank you for the help, Amelia" he thanks her, giving her a cheeky smile.

Amelia smiles in return, even blushing a tad bit. "N-No problem, Hugh" she said before starting again, "Actually, something I wanted to ask you was if you wanted to come to a Christmas party me and some friends are throwing? I doubted you would since we've barely talked, haha. Some of my other friends really wanted you & Mads to come, if you're not busy, I mean" she asks, not entirely sure if it was too soon for her to ask him that.

"I'd love to! I can ask Mads and see if he's free. We might as well get more acquainted before filming"

"Great! I've gotta go but I'll see you on Christmas then?"

"I guess so, I'll see you" he replies as he waves goodbye to her once she leaves the store.

Hugh proceeds to pay for the collection of poems she had picked out. He proceeded to walk back to his car to drive back home so he could message Mads to see if he was able to come to the Christmas party. He had no special plans aside from being with friends on the holiday.

He then began to wrap the gifts he was getting quite late, wishing he had done his Christmas shopping earlier that month. After an hour of preparing the gifts, he had finally sat down to review even more of his lines for the first time of filming to be ready.


Ship name ideas?

Ship name ideas?

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