My 7 thesis on society

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#1 Individuality

Today we are put on a pedestal and judged by society. They yell at us to be so many things that we just aren't. We are compared with people made of plastic and forced to be perfect. Our right to be different is slowly being stripped away from us. This right should be closely guarded for it is the acceptance of each others differences that makes us human.

#2 Ignorance

They say ignorance is bliss, so what dose that mean should we ignore the problems in the world and just have fun. No! the world is broken and people have chosen to ignore rather than help. There are so many injustices in the world so many deaths. In fact look at your hands, do you see the blood running down them. The loss of a thousand lives are on your shoulders because you choose to play call of duty rather than fight for something real. I'm not saying to devote your life as a monk or join the army, just be aware of what evil there is, know that this world is far from perfect.

#3 Disrespect

Respect: a feeling or understanding that someone or something is important, serious, etc., and should be treated in an appropriate way. Respect is an ability that is lost and gained though different generations. The old tell the young to listen while the young tells the old to watch. Neither have any respect for the other. Neither one will listen or watch the other. I hear adults ask how they can fix their kids, when there not broken, just misunderstood. And I hear kids complain about adults who don't know anything. This cycle cannot end until both parties listen to one another.

#4 Equality

In my opinion this is a right that has never been in existence. There has always been differences among humans, these differences have sparked good and bad events through out history. This for the most part doesn't bother me however what dose bother me are countries that deliver false advertisements for equality. How can a countries guarantee equality without taking away other human rights.

#5 Freedom

Another right that is missing from this world. As humans we are bound in slavery. Wither from the people of our past or financial troubles, not a single person on this planet is free. Even the almighty must be bound within the laws of nature.

#6 Giving it up

There is always a time in our life when we reach a cross road, take the high road or take the low road. But in this day and age a lot of people chose to give up when the road gets rough. I feel sorry for these people because they have never known the pleasure or the pride of climbing a mountain. These people will never know the sheer joy of making ones dreams into a reality.

#7 Religion

This is a complicated topic for me and probably everyone who reads this, but this has been on my mind and it needs to be said. Almost all religious followers will cram , force or beg you to believe in their religion. These people claim to be helpful by assuring your heavenly experience. However they just want numbers, numbers to fight for them in the timeless battle against other religions. Dose this battle even matter, we are all going to have the same ending. We all are going to die. Why not accept each other and live life rather than live death.

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