Small story

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There once was a kingdom whose ruler was favored by everyone in it. He was a good man who personally helped the commoner with his field work. But alas as every good thing does the great king died and in his place was his royal adviser who unlike the king hated the commoner and detested his work.

The first thing the new king ordered was for everyone to build a bigger grander castle for him to live in. To build such a castle would've costed the townspeople a lot and it did. The people were so over worked and broke that they consulted the wise man to ask for guidance.

The wise man listened patiently to the people's complaints and said nothing. He then went to see the king about their complaints and the kings response was this; "No, no, no I refuse. I do not do compromises especially with idiots like those in the village." Instead the king raised taxes and pushed his construction further. The wise men then gathered a group of people to protest against the tyrannical king.

On the first day all the towns people came and protested with the wise man. The king hearing the shouts sends his guards to squash the rebellion, which they successfully do. The next day the wise man again protested with slightly less people and again the uprising was squashed. This went on for a while until it was only the old man. The old man was then thrown into the dungeon and given the sentence of treason. He was to be hanged the next day.

As the town gathered to say goodbye on that dreadful day the king asked if he had any last words. and the man said

"Friends you have asked me why I continued protesting, why I haven't given up, what was there to achieve when by the time of our deaths we would've succeeded. And who I was fighting for. I stand here and tell you I fought for the future, I fought for Atlas because I saw his pain and his burden in holding the sky above us. I have fought for all of you even when you quit on me. Not because it was easy but because it was right. I fought......"

Then the trap door opened and the wise man died on the gallows.

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