▪Chapter I▪

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A ray of sunlight beamed through the windows and enlightened the room, removing the thick cloud of sadness and negativity that seemed to hover over my head for a really long time now. I bent down to tie my shoes, while vainly blowing away small pieces of my perfectly curled hair that was falling on my face.

Over the years people have questioned my ways. Constantly asking why I was so quiet and where's that bright smile they used to see. I never answered. I could never bring myself to answer because I was life itself, wild and free, wonderfully chaotic; a perfectly put together mess.

"Jade hurry up you're going to be late for school!" shouted my mum from the downstairs kitchen.

"I'll be there in a sec!" I got up from the bed and vehemently grabbed my laptop from my study desk. I placed it in my bag before zipping it up and exiting my room.

"Well you look nice," complimented my mum and I gave her a weird look.

"Mum I always wear black jeans to go to school."

"Yes but today you're wearing a white top, not exactly your usual wardrobe choice."

"My purple one's dirty."

She grinned at me and I sat at the table, devouring my pancakes, she makes the best. My mum will always be my pillar, she has been for a really long time, ever since my dad left.

"You got a promotion?" I asked taking in her not-so casual appearance.

"Yes, how did you know?"

"You're wearing a new blouse and you look happy, nobody looks happy on a Monday morning."

"How do you know it's a promotion? What if I was going to attend an interview for a new job?" she questioned clearly thinking she raised a fool.

"If you were going to attend an interview you'd be all hyped up and anxious. Then I'd try to calm you down," I said waving my fork in the air in an attempt to be dramatic, "And you would be playing with your necklace which is what you usually do when you're nervous." I plopped another piece of pancake in my mouth and looked at her, waiting for her to even try to deny my analysis.

"Who's daughter are you?"

"Yours, I have the eyes to prove it. By the way, I might be late tonight, umm I'm going to study with Hailee," I said, completely ignoring how full my mouth was.

"Alright but be back in time for dinner, I'm making pasta."

I chugged down a glass of milk and grabbed the car keys from our coffee table in the living room. I unhooked my black leather jacket from a hook next to the door and made my way to the car. Today was not the day for me to wear my white shoes. The rain had been falling all night long and outside was so muddy. The concrete was barely visible under the thick coat of mud.

"Great, just my luck," I mumbled.

I started driving towards Hailee's house. My best friend, the one I can tell my soul to and the only person who knows my secret.

"Hey girly!" she said all perked up as she got into the car. I eyed her new Christian Louboutin shoes but made no comment, knowing full well that she would question my lack of enthusiasm for her footwear later on.

"Why are you in such a good mood?" I questioned, still pulling a straight face.

"Its Monday, you know Monday is my favourite day of the week."

Ohh I forgot to mention, my best friend is weird.

"Yes because anyone in their right mind would be happy to wake up at 6 in the morning to go to a place where they're judged and shamed for simply being themselves," I replied with a tinge of sarcasm in my tone.

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