▪Chapter XIII▪

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"No, no, no, no and lastly, no!" I complained as Liam and Hailee stared at me.

"Don't look at me like that. Never in a million years will I ever agree to go back to that horrible place!"

Everyone in the cafeteria looked our way as murmurs circled round.

"Jade, it's the only way to know what they're planning. Plus, I need to see them pay for my parents' death."

"Liam, I agree, completely. But you have no idea what it's like to be used over and over again. I don't trust Hexagon anymore."

He blinked a few times before taking in a breath and trying to convince me to go back to Hexagon.

"Look at it this way. You love helping people. If we stop Hexagon you will be saving probably the whole city from an illegal group of hackers and probably murderers."

I glared at him, "Hellooo, I'm one of those illegal hackers."

"Yeah but you're one of the few good ones."

I gave him a flat look and sighed because my instincts were telling me to agree with him. We could work together and save a lot of people, more importantly I would have the pleasure of watching Hexagon tumble down to the ground, but pretending to still help them was a bit too much.

Basically I have to do the bad thing which is ultimately the good thing but nonetheless still the bad thing and the bad thing might lead to me making wild decisions but in the long run it is still the good thing. Stressed could not even begin to describe how I was feeling right now.

"Fine." I said through gritted teeth.

"You want to take Hexagon down, no problem," I grinned at him and he gave me a perplexed look, "Guess who's joining Phoenix?"


Liam drove me a little bit out of town. We stopped at a little building where an old bakery used to be situated. I remembered because my mum used to take me there all the time for doughnuts. I got out of the car and took a look at the place.

"Really? An abandoned bakery?" I asked quite amused by their lack of effort to choose a proper building as a cover for all their shenanigans.

"Says the girl who's organisation used an obvious abandoned building as a hiding place."


We walked towards the door and Liam pushed it open. It was really small, with a few broken furniture sluggishly thrown in a corner. The amount of dust in this place was unbelievable. I mean, I get that it's only a cover, but would it kill them to clean this place?

I sneezed and Liam turned to look and me, bringing his arm to his nose.

"What?" I questioned, "Never heard someone sneeze before? I'm allergic to dust."

"Well sorry, but keep you germs to yourself, I don't want to get sick."

I did some weird facial expressions at him and he gave me a flat look. "Really, that's the best you've got?"

"Do you want me to pin you down and break that awfully muscular arm of yours?" I smirked at him and he clearly looked annoyed.

"The entrance is behind that door," he pointed to a wooden door and walked towards it.

When he opened it a palm scanner was revealed and I stood there in amazement.

"You guys have security issues or something?" I queried.

"You never know when a crazy 16 year old, grumpy girl might walk in here and try to break in."

"Hey hot shot, you brought me here," I rolled my eyes and chewed on my tasteless piece of gum.

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