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"That should keep her down." I ran my hand through my hair and Liam let out a deep breath that he was holding in for far too long.

"I can't believe you shot me!" shouted Lexi and I ignored her. I could not go through with not pulling the trigger. Her bearing no pain did not bring me the satisfaction that I longed. Justice for my mother. I needed to diffuse my rage and that was the only way. I shot her in her left shoulder which was keeping her down because she could barely move.

"The next one will go through your head."

I walked towards Liam and he gave me a reassuring hug. In the corner, Logan started groaning in pain, I rushed over to help him sit up straight. I looked at Liam who was debating on whether he should approach Logan or not.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

He winced before answering, "I will be."

When he's eyes met Liam's he stuttered not knowing what to say. "I'm really sorry about your parents but I honestly did not have anything to do with their murder."

"It's okay. I heard it all through the earpiece," Liam said as he helped Logan stand up straight.

"What now? What do we do about her?" questioned Liam referring to Lexi.

"Well, since you didn't want me to kill her I say we let the police handle it. She's caused enough mayhem as it is. And as for killing my mother, she'll get what's coming to her."

The warehouse doors flew open and Hailee ran in huffing and panting. "Jade are you okay?! Oh my gosh did they hurt you?" She was holding my face in her hand, inspecting every inch.

"Hailee I'm fine. Honest."

She took a look at Lexi who was still holding her shoulder, "Who's the poorly dressed girl?"

"My mother's killer and a bomber in practice."

Hailee looked at Lexi with disgust, shook her head and looked back at me, "I'm assuming the bleeding shoulder is your doing?"

"Obviously. It has my name written all over it."

She chuckled and hugged me once more, "I'm glad you're okay."

"Who's going to call 911?"

Liam lifted his phone up, "Already did. They'll be here any minute now."

"You don't have proof, you think the police will arrest me? Hah, you guys are way off." Lexi was smiling so hard, thinking that she could get away with it.

I laughed at how convinced she sounded. "Well you see, ummm we recorded the whole conversation sweetie. I suggest you get yourself ready for life in prison. I hear they have bad room service and you have to wear orange for the rest of your life."

She rolled her eyes at me as we heard the sound of sirens wailing, my anger slightly dissipating the closer they got.

Mere minutes later a police officer barged into the warehouse and cuffed Lexi, dragging her out and escorting her to the police car.

"We did it. We caught her."

Liam, Logan, Hailee and I walked out of the warehouse and towards the van. We got in and Liam drove us to Phoenix.

As we were walking inside the members saw Logan and they all aimed their guns at him.

"It's okay guys, he's with us." After Liam excused Logan they all lowered their weapons and Steven joined us. He extended his hand for Logan to shake, "I heard everything, welcome to Phoenix." Logan accepted the hand shake with a warm smile too.

"Umm Jade, we need to know something." said Liam. "Now that you know that Hexagon is not evil, are you going back there or staying with us?"

I looked between Logan and Liam, "Umm it was great working for both organisations but I think it's time I take a break from it all. As much as I love hacking and solving mysteries, I need time for myself, I need time to heal. If that's okay with you guys."

Liam and Logan both pulled me into a hug making me smile. I had no one left in my biological family, but I knew that I will forever have another family to run to, and that might be the most comforting feeling.

I've learned that wherever I go sadness and betrayal will follow me, whether I like it or not. All I have to do is learn to cope with it whichever way I can.


6 months later.

I heard the door bell ring and I rushed to answer it. "Finally! Did it really take you guys this long to get here?"

"Well in our defence you did call on short notice," Hailee had her phone in her left hand and a bag of McDonald's in the other.

Liam shoved his hands in his pocket and simply looked at me. And to think that by now I would have gone past that crusty exterior of his.

"I need your help." I admitted.

"Doing what exactly?" Asked Hailee.

"I'm redecorating the house!" I opened the door wider to give them a better view of inside.

After three months of living with Hailee I decided to go back to my old home. I worked after school shifts at Starbucks to help me earn some cash and I moved back in.

The furniture had been moved and there were newspapers spread over the floor, along with cans of beige paint sluggishly thrown in a corner.

"You called us on a Sunday afternoon to help you paint?" The disbelief in Liam's voice was not missed.

"Yeah, we haven't hanged out much, I thought that this would be ideal for us."

He chuckled before removing his jacket and placing it on a hook by the door. "Where are the brushes?"

I grinned and looked at Hailee, "What do you say?"

"Oh I'm in." I clapped my hands together all hyped up and excited, "but first, let's eat I'm starving!"

She came inside and placed the food on the kitchen counter.

I had not exactly gotten over my mother's death, but slowly and surely I will get there one day and I will find out who killed Liam's parents.

I had not exactly gotten over my mother's death, but slowly and surely I will get there one day and I will find out who killed Liam's parents

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