▪Chapter XVIII▪

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His eyes narrowed and widened again. He opened his mouth but no words were uttered. I let out a breath and waited for a reply.

"They were what?"

"They were secret agents," I said in a more quiet and softer voice, hoping I would not worsen the situation.

He ran a hand through his hair and closed his eyes, "How did you find out?"

I averted my gaze from the floor to him. "Pictures, in a well hidden file on Logan's desktop. Some were of them spying on their targets and some were of them inside Hexagon."

"Are you sure?" He questioned, still not believing me.

"I wouldn't have told you if I wasn't."

He huffed and let out an annoyed sigh. "Them being secret agents of Hexagon is probably what got them killed in the first place."

"I can look deeper if you want, find more information or files."

"You would do that for me?" He looked at me with a tinge of surprise lurking behind his expression.

"Why not? I have to take down Hexagon too so, win win."


There was a brief moment of silence before I realised that he had Intel for me.

"By the way, any luck with Mr. McElroy?"

"Yeah, he said he doesn't remember selling any of the pieces you mentioned to anyone recently."

"And you believed him!" I screeched.

"Was I not suppose to?"

"And to think you actually have the ability to read people."

"I'm not following you here. Was I supposed to force him to know?"

"No you dummy, you wouldn't have to force him because he already knows!"

"How are you so sure?" He asked, confusion lining his every word.

"Because it's only his shop that sells unique pieces like that chip." I ran to my desk and slammed myself in the chair, pushing it back a little.

I typed away at my keyboard when Liam came to join.

"What are you doing?"

"Tracking his cell phone. If he really is our guy then I'm 100% sure that the minute you walked out of that shop he called the person who bought the bomb pieces."

My desktop made a 'ding' and I got Mr McElroy's phone records, "What time did you leave the store?"


"It says here that McElroy called someone at 3:46."

"Do you know who it is?"

"Dial it down Cooper, I'm a hacker not a magician."

I continued, trying to locate the other phone. "Got it! The phone pinged off a cell phone tower located out of town. This means that the person who McElroy called was somewhere," I pulled up a map of the area, "in this 4 mile radius."

"Sure, that narrows down the search from continent to state but how do we know the exact person he called? He could have called anyone of the 5,000 people living in that area. Plus how do we know where to look for sure?"

"Use your brain. We find out who the number he called is registered to then we cross-reference it with the people living in that area, duhh."

"You're smart," commented Liam in an approving tone.

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