Chapter 2 || A Devil Made In Heaven

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02/12/20 - 03/16/20

"My oh my, you are one hell of a brat." [Y/n] chuckled out, gun still pointed at Ray. "You came into my room twice without permission. I opened the trap door upstairs and placed pillows underneath you two, continued to talk to you along the way in my hallways, and cleaned Isaac's weapon. Perhaps I was playing too nicely." She then pointed her head at the side and to her bed. "Sit there." So, this is how it works now? Ray is now held captive by [Y/n]. If she moves recklessly, she may not come back to Zack in one piece. Ray slowly moved towards the bed and sat down just as slowly, eyes piercing at [Y/n]'s. She doesn't seem to get what was going on. The Bloody Artist then smiled, putting the gun down and got her black office chair rolling in front of Ray before sitting down with her legs crossed. Her hand that's holding the pistol is just chilling on her right lap. "Let's start over shall we? I have no intention in killing the both of you. Trust me, I don't. A little game of life and death won't hurt too badly, eh? Look into my eyes and see if I am lying." [Y/n] leaned down to Ray's eye level. Ray backed off a little bit. She's gotta be kidding. This must be another one of those games she loves to torment them with. [Y/n] rolled her eyes and pouted. "Why can't you trust gorgeous little me, Ray? I don't think I understand..."

Ray sent her a glare. "You are going to murder us. Don't play dumb for you're not and I'm not." The Bloody Artist laughed. "I'm a woman that doesn't back down a second choice when I have a chance. If I did want to end your lives," she paused for a moment and her pressence suddenly became menacing. "I would've done so already."

[Y/n] stood up and threw the gun away from her and to the floor, along with the knife. She then removed her jacket and exposed her defenseless self to Ray. "No weapons, no tricks, nothing. I have nothing to use on you." Perhaps she may be right but Ray still hasn't decided if she really did change. She may be playing again just for fun and ditch them when she and Zack turn their backs on her for a moment. [Y/n] noticed Ray's struggle whether she wants to trust her or not and let out a sigh before placing both her hands on her hips, now frowning.

"Fun fact, we almost had the same reasons and suffering why we're stuck in a floor. Have you ever thought of me like... Wanting freedom? That's what I want as well, you know? Every person deserves it." Well, she does get a point. Zack and Ray didn't actually want to be stuck in their floors in the past and that probably goes the same with [Y/n]. But it's still hard to decide if she is changing her bloodlust for them. But Ray did get a little convinced. Hesitantly, she spoke another few words. "So what is that you want all this time that you want to earn so bad but just can't have yet?"

[Y/n] smiled before taking a seat again. "Finally, something nice to answer." She let out a chuckle before leaning in her chair with her hands at the back of her head. "I want paradise. I want a peaceful beach where I can feel the powder-like white sand, shells just chilling by the shore, and the sound of waves crashing on the shore relaxing me." [Y/n] let out a satisfied sigh and Ray's interest indeed peaked out.

"And then?" Ray asked, hesitation no more present. [Y/n] mentally sighed in relief. Finally, she thought she's never gonna earn Ray's trust by the end of the day. Thank God she went through the easier way. "Paradise was similar to what I have when I was a child... Except that it isn't so happy-dandy like you'd expect it to be. I lived with my father and, goodness, was he so abusive! He even forced himself on me, order me around like a slave... I never even once been considered as his daughter."

Ray actually felt bad for this insane artist especially when she saw [Y/n] trying to wipe her tears with her handkerchief lightly. "I shouldn't cry now, my mascara will run over my face." She giggled out, making Ray give her the slightest smile. [Y/n] started speaking again after a moment. "One more thing, Rachel..."

A Way Out || A Zack x Reader Fanfic  ▪ Rewritten ▪Where stories live. Discover now