Chapter 4 || Funky Junky • Part 1

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03/11/20 - 03/12/20

"So what now?" Ray asked to break the deafening silence the three have with each other as they walk back to the path outside. Zack was eventually forced to get the twins' blood in bags for the lovely [Y/n] but it took a lot of work to make him do so. It involved death threats, blades clashing with each other, and a heel kicked onto Zack's face.

The two girls thought for a moment and the silence lingers around them again. But, at last, Zack finally had done something great such as looking around and find possible clues. "Oi, there's a small barn there. Wanna check it out?" He said, turning to his female partners and pointed behind him with his thumb with his scythe, finally, over his shoulder. [Y/n], who is fully exaggerated, gasped and clapped in absolute excitement before hugging Zack tightly around his torso, making him blush in embarrassment underneath his bandaged face. "Just what t-the hell are you doing?! G-get off me, w-woman!"

"You did it, Zack! You did it!" She cheered out while rubbing her cheek with his chest, ignoring Zack's hand trying to push her head away from him and held him tighter. "You're finally useful!!"

"He just told us that there's a barnhouse... What's so interesting with that?" Ray asked almost in a whisper as she watched Zack desperately trying so hard to get the woman off of him but to no avail. "Ray, darling," [Y/n] continued with a huge goofy smile plastered on her face, refusing to let go of Zack. "The said barn is almost hidden from the human eye and look who just spotted it first than us! This man deserves more love and recognition from us than I thought."

Zack's face reddened more. "CAN WE JUST GO TO THE FUCKING BARN?!?" [Y/n] laughed before dragging the two with her by the hands, making Zack look at her fingers intertwining with his and discreetly pout behind the females.

Truthfully, inside of Zack's head, he secretly kept thinking of [Y/n] but he doesn't know why. It still doesn't change the fact that he finds her stupid despite her great knowledge and skills but he has to admit... She's kind of cool and cute. [Y/n] is definetely different from other girls he had come across. Well, slightly. She still wears make-up of sorts but hers aren't as thick as the whores' clown make-up. 'Augh, get out of my head, you fucking bitch...' Zack whined in his mind, making his eyes shut in reality and his right brow twitch. 'I'm so not going to have a crush on you! I'd rather CRUSH you!'

They made it in front of the barn and the doors are locked by chains and, of course, a lock. "Step aside." Zack ordered and they did. He then swung his weapon towards the chains, cutting it in half and let it fall on the ground before kicking the doors open. [Y/n] clapped behind Zack and he can't help but look a little smug but quickly wiped it off as the girls entered.

Inside, there's a lot of hay around. "Ew, it smells like horse poop here..." [Y/n] complained with a scrunched up nose before pinching it to refrain from smelling the foul odour this place emits. Like she just said, it smells horrible in there but Zack and Ray are technically used to it after all these months of hiding out in a small smelly shack in the middle of the woods. Ray can tell that this place can fall apart anytime now since the wooden planks here are rotting and it's kind of risky to be here so they have to do their business quickly so that they can leave immediately after.

"Okay, let's search for something useful here. Don't slack off, people. We need to get out of here!" The Bloody Artist said with her hands flailing all over even if she's still holding her scythe and almost sliced off poor little Ray's head. "Zack, you're the man of the hour so go upstairs since the most risky place to be in. Ray, you and I'll stick with one another."

"Excuse me, Ms. Perfect," Zack scoffed out. "It's dark as hell up there and the flooring can break anytime with one single step I take there. I'm don't light up like the sun!" It is rather dark there, no source of light available at all.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2020 ⏰

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