XXIV (Edited)

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When he was certain that all the members of the cult inside Dalquharran Castle had perished, for he didn't like the thought of survivors to return to abduct his son again to resume their brutal ritual, Alucard, with his lover in his arms as she held their son, lead the children to the helicopter awaiting to bring them back to the Hellsing Mansion, where Asmund began making arrangements for its repair. The damage wasn't as bad as the one thirty years ago when the Nazis invaded the place, and in a matter of days, the mansion returned to its normal condition. Soldiers and vampire hunters returned to their regular training schedule, and Frida had her wounds and bruises healed until she was back to her healthy self with Alucard feeding her the sweetest blood. With everything returning to normal, it made it seem that there hadn't been an invasion that took place in the mansion.

However, things could be said differently about Alucard. He became more protective of his little No Life Family, accompanying her on all her missions even though Integra specifically assigned her to them. Frida understood why he would go to such extent, for she knew that Alucard was afraid the same thing would happen while she was on her mission in Scotland. But both their master and Asmund thought otherwise, as they were very annoyed at him being so clingy. Sometimes, the former had to strictly order the No Life King to stay in his sub-basement, ignoring his icy glares and malicious threats. If those had gone to far, Asmund would step in and give a firm warning, saying that if the vampire dared to inflict harm on their master, the enchanter wouldn't hesitate to bind him and lock him up in a cellar like their old master did sixty years ago. At that note, Alucard had to back off and reluctantly let his lover go on her mission, and let Baskerville go on in his place instead. Of course, Frida knew it was him from the start, but she merely laughed and proceeded with her mission.

Alucard was equally over-protective when it came to his son. If his No Life Queen was away, Dorin was always found in his father's arms, as the latter made sure that his son wasn't out of his sight. Let it be playing on his play mat with littered with stuff toys and annoying interactive ones, or laying in his open casket while cooing himself to sleep; the No Life King wasn't bound to leave the baby alone in any place. Even if the baby had finally come to the stage where he began to crawl, his father would be in the same room as him, attentively watching over him so that he wouldn't bump into something that could hurt himself, or accidentally wandered out of the sub-basement and risk himself to potential dangers. To others, Alucard needn't be so paranoid about leaving his baby for one second, but with the way he was, nothing could stop him from keeping Dorin under "surveillance".

"Alucard!" whined Frida while squirming in her lover's embrace. "Please, let me continue tending my garden."

It was a beautiful evening for the enchantress to do some gardening, which some of the servants found it odd because they thought that most people would do so in the morning. Cutting the weeds and grass that were hindering the growing shoots of her snowdrops, and pruning the rose bushes so she could collect enough cabaret roses to put them in the vases of the mansion; how much she wished she could get up and do so while enjoying the petrichor lingering in the morning air, if it weren't for the arms of her lover wrapped around her figure in his sleep, making it seem that he knew what she was planning to do. So there she was, about to roll up the sleeves of her magenta dress and get her hands dirty when her lover snuck up from behind and wrapped his arms around her waist, trapping her in his embrace.

"Why bother tending the garden when our Master has already hired some gardeners to do the job?" he questioned with his voice muffled due to burying his face in the crook of her neck. He then lifted his head up and placed his chin on her shoulder, with his lips near to her ear as he whispered, "Come and join me in our chamber, my Queen. We'll have a nice dinner in our bed, under the warm covers. I'd brought the finest blood there is in the market - fresh O Negative; the blood of a young virgin so pure, yet so tantalising, just by smelling it from its packet." At that note, he unwrapped his arms and glided his hands to both sides of Frida's hips, feeling her curves as his hands traveled down. "Once we've feasted to our hearts' content, we'll make love on the soft sheets of our bed, letting me worship your body like how devotees worship their creator; feeling your soft, supple skin on mine as we become one in the dark."

Dracula's Enchantress - Alucard x OC (Hellsing: Ultimate)Where stories live. Discover now