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After realizing he had a quirk he happily ran home once the last bell of the day rang. He opened the door just to witness his parents arguing once more. He quietly stood at the door way. His father was yelling insults at his poor mother. Words that a child should never hear or learn. His mother was glaring at her father as tears welled up in her eyes. She was breathing at a quick pace,hands clenched onto a towel.

To Shouta it seemed as if his Father began the argument while she was drying the washed dishes.

He didnt dare move,scared to be caught in their argument as well. He slowly made his way towards the living room. He didnt even take 3 steps when his mother called out to him. "Shouta! When did you get home?"she said as she rushed over to him, in order to ignore his father. He looked up at his mother,eyes wide as he stuttered,"r-right now".

"See?! You always give him more attention that me!",his father yelled as he pushed his mother away and grabbed shouta by the arm. The boy bit his lip and closed his eyes.

"Leave him alone! He's just a kid!"

The man scoffed and pushed Shouta against the wall. The boy scrunched his nose up. His mother tried to get the man off of Shouta. But he didnt budge. The man grabbed Shouta's hair  with his other hand.

Before he knew it his head was being smashed against the wall over and over. Blood oozing out of his nose. Pain coursing through his body.

His mother was already crying and she couldnt even yell anymore.

He woke up to the faint perfume fragrance of his mother. He opened his eyes a little and noticed he was being cradled by her. He wanted to look at her, but his head was in too much pain,especially his neck.

"Mom?",he croaked put.

He felt her tense up ,but soon she relaxed again. "Yes baby?",she asked
Her voice was delicate,sweet and if possible- loving.

"Is ....he gone?",he asked.

"No sweety",she whipered and ran her fingers through his black hair. "I wish I could stop this",she admitted and smiled a little at him.

Shouta hummed and closed his eyes once more.

"But guess what",her tone had some excitement in it.

"What?",he asked curiously, eyes still closed.

"He is going away for a month!",she whispered.  Shouta opened his eyes and tugged on her shirt,"r-really?!"he whispered back.

She nodded,"once he leaves we can go to a few places and buy you some new clothes."

With that,both of them snuggled together.  On the same bed,in the same room...with the same amount of love.

"Shouta-",Hizashi stopped yelling once he saw that the boys head was bandaged and he had bruises.

"What...happened?",he asked and tried to touch the boy.

Shouta scooted away,"some bullies hit me",he lied.

Oh he wished he didn't.

Becauee Hizashi ran up to the two boys from long ago that bullied Shouta,and picked a fight

Shouta felt very guilty, he could have told Hizashi that it was his father. But he didnt. He didnt want to either. He didnt want to be in the system. So he stayed quiet, and kept it to himself....for years.

A/n: I know most of yall dont read this,but I havent updated because I was on my other account. Anyway, did you guys like it? On the next chapter we will have some-

Whoops almost spoiled it :)

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