Edgar and Alan

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Rosas pov

I woke up the next day and put my hair into a side braid put on a blue flowy tank top regular jean shorts and sandals and went and ate breakfast with Sam and Michael we had pancakes that mom made us

"So who was that girl you were chasing last night?" Sam said

"what girl?" Mom asked

"no girl, they are just joking mom."

Mom said "Okay well I'm off to work now bye."

We all said "bye mom love you."

Then she was out the door

Grandpa said he was taking me and Sam out to town he took us to his car

"How do you like that baby?" Grandpa asked us with a proud smile

Sam and I said "Its a beauty!"

Grandpa said "Come on., let's get in!"

I said "Alright!"

I got in the backseat and Sam got in the front seat

"Can I drive on the way back?" Sam asked grandpa

I said "Sam are you stupid? You can't even drive a lawn mower let alone a car especially grandpas car."

Sam rolled his eyes and said "Shut up, Rosa."

Grandpa said "Eh fat chance. Nobody drives this car but me."

I laughed and said "Hah told you so Sammy haha."

Sam stuck his tongue out at me and said "Fight me Rosa."

I said "Oh I will." While flexing my imaginary muscles

Sam flexed his actual muscles and said "Have fun with that Rosa."

I said "Fine okay you win Sammy don't be so rude." While rolling my eyes

Sam just laughed as did grandpa

Grandpa said "Ehhh we have to let her warm up a little." Then he added "Hear that sound Sam, Rosa? Just like a baby pussycat. Ok let's go to town.!"

Sam and I said "Alright!"

Then grandpa turned off the car and me and Sam gave each other the what? Face

Grandpa said "We having fun or what."

I said "Well."

Sam said "Grandlpa I thought we were going to town."

I nodded my head yes

Grandpa said "Eh thats as close to town as I like to get."

Sam and I rolled our eyes

Sam said "Total weirdo, man." While shaking his head

Then Sam and I read comics for the rest of the day until mom came and picked us up to take us to the boardwalk

We walked into the comic store again I was honestly happy to see red bandana boy again but I can't tell Sam that

I saw bandana boy tapped on the shoulder by black hair boy man I should really find out their names

Sam said "come on Rosa."

The black hair and bandana boy kept looking at Sam then me then each other it was kinda freaky

Black hair said "Notice anything unusual about Santa Carla yet?"

I said "No its a Pretty cool place." With a smirk then I looked at Sam

Sammy said "Yeah if you're a Martian." With a laugh

Red bandana said "or a vampire."

I said " What are you trying to say?"

I mean sure I like horror comics but I don't believe in vampires are these guys crazy

Sam said with a smirk "Are you sniffing old newsprint or something."

For those of you who don't know what that means it means are you doing drugs or something

I said "Sam don't be rude."

Sammy said "Shut up Rosa." While laughing and rolling his eyes

Red bandana said "You think you really know what's happening here. Don't you. Well, I'll tell you something. You don't know shit, buddy."

Black hair said "Yeah, you think we just work in a comic bookstore for our folks,huh?

I said "Actually, I thought it was a bakery."

Red bandana said "This is just our cover. We're dedicated to a higher purpose. We're fighters for the truth, justice, and the American way."

Sam said "All right." In a sarcastic tone

Red bandana said "Hey, man read this!"

He gave both of us another horror comic

Sam said "I told you I don't like horror comics."

Black hair said "Think of it more as a survival manual. There's our number on the back. And pray you never need to call us."

Sam said "I'll pray I never need to call you."

I slapped him he started walking away

"What are your names?" I asked the two brothers

Red bandana said "I'm Edgar, Edgar Frog and you are."

I said "I'm Rosa Emerson and that other there is my annoying twin brother Sam Emerson."

Black hair said "I'm Alan."

Edgar said " How is someone so nice and pretty like you related to him?"

I blushed and said " I don't know but I got to go bye Edgar and Alan."

I walked over to Sam

"why are you blushing?" Sam said

I said "I'm not!"

"yes you are! I bet it was the red bandana guy!" Sam said

I said "His name is Edgar and it's nothing really."

Sam said "Oo Edgar and whatever you say sis."

I rolled my eyes at him and dropped the subject so I wouldn't get embarrassed any further I gotta admit Edgar's pretty cute I hope I can get to know him this summer

Sam and I went home and I read my comic took a shower then went to bed

(I'm not gonna be doing any Michael Pov but i love this movie so much all Creds to the director)

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