The Concert

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We were in the line waiting to go in. I got a message on my phone from Jimin. 

D:Hey . Can wait to see you preform
J:I can't wait to see you in the crowd
D: I got front row so.... I am also going to fan signing and getting to see you backstage.
J: Wow... I get to see you more now
D: Yeah?
J: I want to say something but it might sound crazy
D: what is it?
J: ...I will tell you whenever you see me backstage because I want to speak to you alone 
D: Ok ig??TTYL


Jimin's  POV

Ever since I saw Destiany yesterday at the mall I think that that she put a spell on me. 
I need to tell her. I AM IN LOVE WITH HER!!!!!! But I don't know how. She might think that I am a playboy or more. I went to go tell the crew.

Jimin :I need to tell you something guys
V:What is could tell us anything. 
RM:I need to tell you something to. I AM ALSO IN LOVE.
Jimin :I am in love with the girl that I saw yesterday at the mall. Her name is Destiany. Her silk blonde hair and ocean blue eyes. She is just the perfect girl.
RM:I also like or love her sister  Victoria. Whenever I saw her she was also reading a book. We both like the same coffee. 
Jin : My son's are in love. I am so proud of you to.
Jin say's as he pinches their cheeks. Jimin old them the plan on how he is going to tell her that he loves her. Jungkook was so happy. He also felt lonely as a joke. Suga sitting in his chair getting ready for his performance to Jungkook that he wouldn't be lonely forever.

                                                    STILL JIMIN'S POV 

We got on stage. The song that we were singing I need you, The truth untold, and Baepsae. As soon as we all got on the stage I was looking for Destiany. I took me a little while but then I saw her. Her beautiful eyes and her smile. It made my heart race like an engine. Jin noticed and winked and did his eyebrow thing to me before we began to sing and do our dance. 

I just looked at her the whole time. I was dancing and showing my passion for me loving her. I think she noticed me staring at her because she was blushing the whole time and I know for a fact that it isn't hot in the building. She loves me. But I hope she loves me more not just because I am famous. After I preformed I looked at her and gave her a wink with a blow kiss just for her. She laughed and was still red as a apple. 


                                                                                       MY POV

I saw him walk on stage. I was so red. He is freaking hot.  I noticed that he was looking in the crowd like as if he was looking for someone for quite sometime. He saw me and just looked deep into my eyes while he was looking for me that whole time. After the performance was over he winked at me and blew a kiss. I cried on the inside.  I love him.


As soon as the concert was over I ran inline to wait to see Jimin. He said that he needed to talk to me. Victoria was trying to look her best to see Namjoon but she didn't need to because I knew that he loved her just the way she is after seeing him look at her at the concert. 2 hours later I ended up next in line. Jimin saw. He tried to hurry up with the person that was in front of me so that he could talk to me. He was looking at the person for a little but was more focused on me while I was staring off into space.

MY TURN!!! I went to sit in the chair in front of Jimin. He just smiled at me with his big smile that looked rather pleasing. I just looked at him. It was as if it was something really important. 
J: Hey.
J: SO.... how did you think of me or I mean the concert
D: OMG it was amazing. i loved it so much.
J: Really
D: Duh
J: I need to talk to you 
D:Sure. What is it 
J: Can you wait for me in my dressing room. 
D: Sure?
J: My workers will take you their rightnow
D: Ok. I just letted Victoria know and she agreed. 
J: Bye 

A hour later Jimin came into the room

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A hour later Jimin came into the room. I was just looking on Snap-chat. I miss my friends. Jimin was looking to make sure that nobody came in. He just looked into my eyes. He walked slowly over to me and sat right next to me facing in my direction. "DESTIANY,I LOVE YOU"

D:My jaw dropped. "Jimin, I love you to. I don't like you because you are rich but because you have a kind heart and are sweet. I may not know this personally but I know it in my heart that it is true". 

He just looked into my eyes and leaned in and began to kiss me. I didn't exactly know how to react so I just kissed him back.

________________________________1 HOUR LATER_________________________________

I walked out the room. I was so happy. Jimin held my hand and lead me out of the place. Victoria was waiting for me. She just winked at me. It turned from just a kiss to making out. Of course Victoria already knew that. Before I got into the car Jimin hugged me from behind. I turned around. He asked me to be his girlfriend. I didn't know what to say because it was sooooo soon. I said YES because I wanted to see what would happen later on. So he hugged me really tight and gave me a lot of pecks on my face and a big fat kiss on my lips. After I got in the car and the two girls noticed some marks on me. The both just giggled till we reached the hotel room. 

It was midnight and I was soooo tired. I called Jimin and told him goodnight because I was supper tired. He was okay with it. It was like he could understand me.  We had our little conversation and after I went to bed.

I hope you like my story soooo far. This is my first ever book. Please share this with your friends and/or other follower and have them follow me. It will get a bit more interesting and more exciting. Love you all.  Please comment below. I need to know from your thoughts how the book is. SO i get ideas for my next chapter.

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