Chapter 10

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I woke up next to Jimin like always now. He had that morning glow which I always wanted to have but don't because I am ugly.  (The title picture is me now). Jimin and I wore couple outfits today because he wanted to. 

Jimin just smiled whenever I walked out of the bathroom

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Jimin just smiled whenever I walked out of the bathroom. He hugged me and said that I was his princess and only his. I smiled and said that he is my prince and only mine. It was going to be Jimin's birthday in a couple of days and I was so excited to get him something. I was going to get him everything he wanted. A car, art set, us to get our own house together. It was going to be great. We were planning it all out so I couldn't talk to him a lot during that day. Jimin got sadder every time I saw him.   I told him that I was busy at the moment and that I would make it up to him. :))) His frown turned upside down immediately.I had to go to the dealership today to get his car.  I also had to go to get our own not so little house. I hope he loves it. 

I got home and saw Jimin crying. I sat next to him and asked him what happened. His grandpa passed away today. He cried to hard I pulled him into my arm tightly and he hugged me and we laid down. I didn't know how to make him better. Whenever I gave him his favorite food he yelled at me saying "NO! GET OUT DESTIANY!!!". I cried and ran out of the house. Everyone just got home and saw me running out of the house crying. I told them everything and the reason why he yelled at me about the food was because that was his grandpa's favorite too. I just passed them and drove away somewhere I can have peace. I went to a field of flowers. My parents took me their whenever I was little. their was a river and a waterfall. 

Jimin felt bad and asked where I was. Victoria already knew and gave Jimin the directions to get where I was and he hugged her. She let him use her car and he drove and drove. He decided on the way to get me a gift and to have a picnic. He was so sorry for what he did. He just had thought's running through his head. 

He finally saw me. He quietly walked behind me and gave me a hug from behind and I turned around and started to cry more. I told him how I thought he was mad at me but he was saying how sorry he was.  I gave him a big hug and he kissed me. He said that he had a surprise for me. He walked to the car and got out a picnic and 2 gifts. One was small and the other one was big. We sat in the grass around the pretty flowers and had a picnic. He packed everything that was both of our favorites. He had me open the gifts. The small gift was a necklace and it had Jimin's and my initials in it. It was a locket. Whenever you open the locket it had a picture of the both of us in it. He put it on me and he also had the same thing to. I opened the big gift. IT WAS A FLIPPING PUPPY. I flipped out he got me my favorite puppy.

 I flipped out he got me my favorite puppy

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I loved it. I just leaned on him and laid with him and gave him a big kiss. He kissed me back. He also had one more surprise for me but wanted to give it to me at home in front of everyone. We got in our cars and drove to the house. Everyone was sitting on the couch. We watched a funny movie with popcorn and ice cream and candy. Jimin paused the movie and said that he has a surprised. Everyone looked at Jimin all confused. He was saying how much he loved me. Then he got down on one knee. "Destiany Ann Jones.... will you marry me". I screamed YES and he put the ring on my finger. We called our families and my mom said that she was coming to visit tomorrow. 

We were going to get married in a month. And Jimin's birthday was the next day so we had to get that ready. Jimin laid in bed with me and kept calling me Mrs. Park. I was laughing and he knew I was tired. We just kissed for a while and then he cuddled up with me and we went to sleep.

Hope you all enjoyed the story. Comment down on the story and tell me how you think of it. And also VOTE please. I love you all <3<3 (:

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