Defying Gravity

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I'm sorry that I didn't update for a very long time, I'm still in high school and in my senior year so it's kinda hard though I'm in my very best to write another chapter.

By the way his name is really Justine not Justin in case of someone ask why, I really don't know.

Here it is the next chapter




Chapter 2: Defying Gravity

It's been a week after the audition and the people here in my school is freaking out and finding the 'Mysterious Singer' though I'm pretty sure Sean recognize my voice when I spoke in the audition but he hadn't ask me or told anyone that I'm the mysterious singer. Anyways, people here are paying $1000 for the person who find this 'Mysterious Person'. I think it's ridiculous and I'm not going to surrender myself to them and I don't know why.

"What will the Mysterious Singer sing later? I'm very eager to hear him again" a girl keeps screaming in a high pitch tone, they must be thought that I, the Mysterious Singer, is handsome.

"I know right!" she also scream "I think that with that lovely voice, he's very handsome!"

I knew it. The bell rang amd a minute the teacher enters the room and the noise quiets down.

"Good Morning class" Mr. Oliver said while smiling the class mummbled a 'morning' to him "Why so quiet? Anyways, we're going to have an activity today." the class suddenly listened to him, well we're in music class so they must be think that 'Mysterious Singer' will be in this class "We're be having an instrument vs vocal chords so go to your groups" I stood up and went to the piano and sat down "Now first up in the instruments" he looked at us and suddenly meet my eyes "Justine Rivada and in the vocal chords is" he looks at them "Olivia White, now let's play toss coin for who's going to start" we just nod.

"Tails" I said to him.

"Then I'm heads" Olivia said and Sir Oliver nod and toss the coin upwards and catch the coin and place it on the back of his hands and opens it.

"Heads" Olivia just nod.

"I'll be going to sing Fucking Perfect by Pink" she tooks some breath.

"Made a wrong turn once or twice

Dug my wa-a-ay out, blood and fire

Bad decisions, that's alright

Welcome to-o-o my silly life

Mistreated, misplaced, misunderstood

Miss 'No way, it's all good it didn't slow me down

Mistaken, always second guessing

Underestimated, look I'm still around

Pretty, pretty please, don't you ever ever feel

Like you're less than, less than fucking perfect

Pretty, pretty please, if you ever ever feel

Like you're nothing, you're fucking perfect to me

The whole world's scared, so I swallow the fear

The only thing that I should be drinking is an ice cold beer

So cool in lying and we try, try, try

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