Chapter 10

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 Everything was getting worse. Sickness was spreading and acting quickly, Rainypelt and Shorttail struggled to walk as the Clans travelled, and Squirreltail and Harewhisker were only getting worse. Snakewhisker, Timberpaw and Sagekit had all started coughing as well, Nightpaw feared the worst for the Clans, especially for little Sagekit. She mostly rode on Puddleclaw's back while Hailkit trekked along beside them. Nightpaw feared that Silvermoon's tiny kits would get sick, and she knew they wouldn't survive.

Please, StarClan. Nightpaw prayed, looking up at the cloudy sky. Please don't let any cats die. The Clans were already concerned for their friends and family. Nightpaw glanced over at Rabbitpaw, she was ridden with fear for her brother. Nightpaw wished she could help Rabbitpaw, but there was nothing she could do. I can't cure sickness, that's up to the medicine cats. Nightpaw wondered how much longer they could keep travelling before the sick cats couldn't travel any longer.

It couldn't be long, Rainypelt was barely walking as is. Nightpaw felt a constant sense of fear weighing over her. Surely this can't be what StarClan wanted for us? Travelling through snow while our Clanmates slowly die without any herbs. Nightpaw forced herself to keep her head high. I can't let my fear consume me. She swallowed her doubts and fear, pushing herself to keep walking despite the cold, despite the sickness and despite her fears.

There was heavy coughing from inside the group of cats, Nightpaw turned her head to see Shorttail shaking. His head was low to the ground and his entire body shook violently as he coughed. That can't be good.

Roseheart ran to her Clanmates, giving him a slight sniff. "I don't think we can travel much longer." She spoke up, getting Timbertail's attention. The LichenClan leader quickly padded up to Shorttail and Roseheart.

"No," Shorttail croaked out. "I'm fine, we need to keep moving."

"You're not fine." Roseheart argued, her voice filled with concern. "You can barely walk, and your cough is getting worse."

"We should find shelter." Ravenheart stepped closer. "We need to give our sick cats a chance to rest."

"But we've barely moved at all today." Ashblaze argued.

"I'd rather take longer to get there than lose any warriors to sickness." Ravenheart snapped, the AshClan deputy flattened his ears.

"Very well," Riverstar mewed. "We'll start looking for shelter for tonight, we should also send a patrol of healthy cats to hunt and try and find herbs."

The Clans hurried up with their travels with Roseheart staying close to Shorttail, helping him walk alongside his Clanmates. Nightpaw felt unsettled by the elder's stark appearance. His bones were clearly visible under his brown pelt, which was gaunt and dull. His amber eyes were void of shine and hope, they were dark and glossy. Part of Nightpaw had a very strong feeling that Shorttail wouldn't survive this journey, she just hoped she was wrong.

It took until sunset for the Clans to find a cave to take shelter in. The sick cats were taken off to another smaller cave to be cared for by the medicine cats and to keep them from spreading their sickness. As Timberpaw was led away, Nightpaw watched Rabbitpaw and her siblings watch with fearful eyes. Timberpaw didn't look much better than Shorttail, whitecough took him over incredibly quickly. Please don't take Timberpaw. Nightpaw prayed once more.

Once the Clans settled down, a patrol consisting of Rainears, Snowtail, Wheatwhisker, Haresong, Tallsong, Ebonywing, Foxtail and Stumptail was sent out to hunt and hopefully find herbs. Nightpaw padded up to Rabbitpaw, hoping to help her relax despite her brother's condition.

Rabbitpaw was sitting alone, staring out the entrance of the larger den, her green eyes focused on the smaller den full of sick cats. "You should get some sleep." Nightpaw said quietly, sitting beside her friend.

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