Chapter 18

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"You're doing great, Cherryleaf! They're almost here." Pebblestep encouraged the queen while Cloudspots whispered comforting words to his mate. Falconpaw watched from a short distance away, he wanted to make sure that his mentor was okay. There hadn't been much training between them lately, but she would always be Falconpaw's mentor. He watched as Cherryleaf let out an ear splitting cry, making Falconpaw wince. Is that what she-cats have to go through to have kits? Falconpaw was suddenly grateful he would never have to do that.

"There's one here!" Falconpaw perked up his ears, seeing Honeypaw pick up a small bundle of white fur and began lapping at its fur. "Great job, Cherryleaf there's another one coming. After a few moments another kit was born, a small gray kit. After a long wait, the final kit was born. Falconpaw watched as all three kits were placed at their mother's belly.

Falconpaw watched Cherryleaf with her kits, nuzzling each of them and watching them with pure love in her eyes. Cloudspots was beside her, touching his nose against her forehead. "They're beautiful."He purred. "Just like you."

As Pebblestep and Honeypaw left Cherryleaf be to go get herbs, Falconpaw stood up and padded over to his mentor. Cherryleaf looked up and and let out a soft purr. "Hi there, come to see the new kits?"

Falconpaw nodded. "They look great." He said somewhat awkwardly, not exactly sure what he was supposed to say. "Do they have names?"

Cherryleaf nodded. "This one is Snowkit," She motioned to the white kit. "Then there's Windkit and Bluekit." She motioned to the gray cat followed by the blueish-gray kit. "Three she-cats."

"They're wonderful, Cherryleaf." Falconpaw purred. "You'll be a great mother." He looked over the three kits, they were so tiny. They wouldn't be travelling soon, but Falconpaw got a strong sense of hope and compassion for these three kits. They are my kin after all. Falconpaw thought. "I'll let you get some rest."

"Thank you." Cherryleaf purred and Falconpaw turned away. He walked away, his mind wandering off. This past half moon had been peaceful ever since they had defeated Hornet and rescued Honeypaw but there was something clawing inside Falconpaw. He couldn't shake what he felt when fighting Hornet.

The red haze, the pure fiery anger that left in sore and trembling. The fact that he had taken the life of another cat. He had thought about doing to Hornet the entire time, but now that he had actually done felt strange to him. He had almost forgotten the whole fight, he could remember fighting, the hissing of battle and the smell and taste of blood. He could also remember hearing Falconclaw's voice in his ear. Was that just my mind? Or is Falconclaw actually able to talk to me here.

Falconpaw didn't want to think about it, he wanted to clear his mind and celebrate what they had gained, not what he had lost. Honeypaw was back, safe and unharmed. Cherryleaf had given birth to three healthy kits and almost every single cat was completely recovered from the coyotes. It was still cold out, but sickness wasn't a concern. They had more than enough catmint remaining to get through the leaf-bare.

"Falconpaw." Falconpaw's ears twitched and he pulled himself out of his thoughts. He turned to see Dawnstar approaching him. "May I talk to you?"

He nodded. "Sure." Falconpaw stood up, he wasn't sure what this was about. He had already spoken to her about him killing Hornet. She told him that it was alright, Hornet was outside of the warrior code and he did it out of protection for himself and Honeypaw. Falconpaw followed Dawnstar through the barn, towards the back where Dawnstar and Lionclaw slept.

He was surprised when he saw Nightpaw and Riverstar sitting there as well. He tilted his head. "What's this about?" Nightpaw questioned, following his mother to the two AshClan she-cats.

A New Horizon Book 3: A Frozen Heart {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now