Chapter 23

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Falconheart opened his eyes, taking in the early morning light. He sat up, letting out a heavy yawn. He looked around as the rest of the Clan cats were waking up. He and his patrol had returned the night before with the news they had brought back about the territories and today for the first time in over a moon the Clans would be splitting up. They had planned to take five days to work on building their camps then meet up and discuss borders.

Falconheart was incredibly excited to finally be around just his own Clanmates and not the three other Clans. He was also excited to start building SunClan's brand new camp. After finding it, Falconheart realized how much he missing living in a camp. He missed the scheduled patrols, the hunting with his Clanmates.

He was finally a warrior and he hadn't gone on any actual patrols other than exploring the territories, but he wanted to patrol his own territory and protect the border as an actual warrior. Soon he would finally have that moment, he would feel like a full SunClan warrior.

Falconheart waited patiently for the rest of the Clans to wake up, eagerly looking into the forest and trying to see SunClan in the distance. It was too far, but Falconheart could already see their new camp.

Once every cat was woken up the leaders gathered to talk. "I believe it's time for us all to go our separate ways." Dawnstar mewed. "We'll let the patrolling cats guide our way and meet up in five days. I wish all of you luck in building your new homes."

"I believe we'll be travelling with you for a little bit longer, Dawnstar." Shadowstar mewed kindly. "I'm glad we'll be sharing a border once again. Though it seems you'll be our only neighbors."

"That doesn't sound like a bad thing." Dawnstar purred in return as the two Clans began travelling again.

"If prey goes missing we'll know who took it." Violetfur teased, but her tone wasn't even slightly hostile.

"Well we promise not to steal any prey." Cinderflame chuckled. "I'd like to get to know our own territory before we try and explore yours." The two Clans shared a laugh and kept moving.

Falconheart and Flamepetal led the Clan as they crossed into SunClan's new territory. Falconheart kept quiet, just guiding the Clan alongside Flamepetal until they reached the turn towards the stone hollow. "It's this way." Flamepetal motioned with her tail.

"Well," Dawnstar faced Shadowstar. "Good luck with your camp, we'll see you all in five days."

"Good luck to you as well." Shadowstar dipped his head and continued padding through the forest until they vanished into the snowy trees. Meanwhile, Dawnstar turned and followed Flamepetal and Falconheart up towards the stone hollow.

"It's there." Falconheart mewed once the stone hollow came into view.

"It's certainly big." Lionclaw pointed out. "Looks like it could make a good home for us." He nuzzled Dawnstar and purred. "What do you think?"

"I think it's wonderful, and with some hard work it will be perfect." Dawnstar purred. "We should get started as soon as possible." SunClan climbed down into the hollow and took a good look around. "We should clear the snow out of the hollow as much as possible. We need to figure out the dens and start building them to be strong. Cinderflame will you start assigning duties?"

Cinderflame nodded. "I want the apprentices along with Briarrose, Flashtail, Earthpelt and Mudfall to find as much moss as you possibly can. Meanwhile, I want Redclaw, Brackenpelt, Heatherflight, Adderstrike and Snowtail out to collect brambles and other things to reinforce the dens.

"Icepetal, Turtleblaze, Applespots, Rosewind, Lionclaw and Rainears go out and hunt as much prey as you can find. We'll set up more hunting patrols tomorrow but we need prey for tonight." Cinderflame continued, looking over her Clanmates. "And I want any cats I didn't name to remain in camp and help build and clean up. We need to get this place looking like home."

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