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"This is my favorite kind of prey." Hornet pushed a squirrel towards Garnet. "I can't believe you've never tried it before.

"Well when you spend your entire life as a kittypet, you don't really get access to his kind of food." Garnet chuckled and took a bite of the squirrel. Her mouth watered as she ate the small creature, it was so much tastier than anything her housefolk had ever given her. "It's amazing!" Garnet exclaimed and continued eating it while Hornet watched and purred.

"I'm glad you enjoy it." Garnet looked up, meeting his amber gaze. Her heart raced just as much as it did the day she met him. They had been visiting with each other for over a moon and Garnet hadn't been happier.

She glanced up towards the sky, the sun was starting to set. She let out a long sigh. "I should probably head home soon."

"Do you have to?" Hornet asked, sounding incredibly downtrodden. "Why don't you come home with me? At least for the night."

"I don't know." Garnet flattened her ears. "My housefolk were so upset when I was gone that time I met you." She turned away. "I don't want them to worry."

"Garnet," Hornet ran around to stand in front of her, preventing her from walking away. "This is no way for a cat to live. You shouldn't have to worry about going home, you should have the freedom to go where you please."

"Hornet I--"

"Garnet, just listen to me." He cut her off. "You have the heart of a wild cat, you don't belong trapped with housefolk. You belong in the wild!" He stepped even closer, his muzzle nearly brushing hers. Garnet's heart raced faster than ever. "You belong with me."

Garnet locked eyes with him, she wanted so badly to close the tiny gap between them. "I-" She stammered, unable to find the words. "I'll stay with you tonight...I'll see how I feel and decide if I want to leave my housefolk, okay?"

Hornet's eyes shimmered. "That's all I ask." He touched his nose to hers. Garnet closed her eyes and pressed close against Hornet. The two of them walked together, their tails intertwined.

They reached Hornet's camp, there were only a few rogues here along with Jade and Adder. There was their kit Mite and a gray and white tom named Comet. Garnet followed Hornet to his den where they shared a piece of fresh-kill. As the night slowed down, Hornet and Garnet curled up in his nest together.

For the first time in a long time, Garnet felt warm, safe and at home. She loved her housefolk, but maybe she did belong with Hornet.

Garnet stared at the town, feeling incredibly doubtful. She didn't want to leave Hornet, she had spent the night and the entire day with him and she had never had more fun in her life. With a heavy sigh, Garnet turned to Hornet. "I'll see you tomorrow with my answer."

"Please consider everything I've said." Hornet touched his nose to hers once more. "I can't remember the last time I've enjoyed myself so much."

"Neither can I." Garnet looked bashfully at her paws. "I'll see you tomorrow, Hornet." Despite her aching heart, Garnet turned and hurried into the town and back home. She knew that her housefolk would be incredibly worried about her, but part of her honestly didn't care. She just wanted to be back with Hornet already.

"Garnet." As she jumped onto her fence, Garnet heard the voice of Blue. "Get lost again?"

"No," Garnet replied. "I was spending the night with a friend."

"Is this that Hornet cat you told me about?" Blue questioned, sounding incredibly suspicious.

"It was." Garnet sat down on the fence. "He makes me really happy." Blue narrowed his blind eyes.

"Rogues are bad news, Garnet." Blue warned.

"What do you mean?" Garnet's fur raised up slightly, what did he know?

"They're selfish and violent. They only care about their next meal, not the cats around them. Why do you think I learned how to fight when I was a loner?"

"Hornet isn't violent." Garnet hissed. "He defends his own, but he's never once put me in danger." She stared at her paws. "He's only made me feel loved and welcome. I feel at home when I'm with him." Blue was silent. "I-I think I'm going to live with him."

Blue sighed heavily. "Garnet," The old tom stood up. "I trust your judgement. You are an intelligent young she-cat. If you believe that you are making the right choice then I trust you and if you ever need a place to stay, you can always come to me."

"Thank you, Blue." Garnet purred. "That means so much to me." She looked at her home, which didn't feel like home anymore. I already have my answer. Garnet jumped down and began sprinting through the town.

She saw the field on the outskirts of town and ran faster. "Hornet!" She cried out, hoping he was still around. She ran harder, reaching the field and sprinting through the tall grass. "Hornet!" She called out once more.

"Garnet?" She heard his voice a ways away and ran to him. She spotted his tabby pelt through the grass and skidded to a stop in front of him, panting heavily. "Garnet, what's wrong? Is everything alright?"

"Yes," Garnet panted, struggling to catch her breath and speak. "Hornet," She finally found her voice. "Hornet, I want to live with you."

Hornet's eyes lit up like the sun. "That makes me so happy!" Hornet jumped around. "You made the right choice, Garnet." He pressed his nuzzle into pelt. "Thank you."

Garnet stepped back and looked at him, love racing through her veins. She couldn't remember a time she was so happy. "Let's go home." She purred and the two of them walked together, Garnet was ready to start her new life.

A New Horizon Book 3: A Frozen Heart {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now