Challenge #1

26 0 6

Write about a character from a musical having first impressions on another character, either from the same musical or from another.

My entry:

John Laurens walked into the cafe where he was going to meet his close online friend, he looked over and asked the girl at the counter if anyone called "Connor McKinley" was here.

"Oh yeah, he's the ginger right?" The girl, 'Veronica' said. From what John could tell from her posture was that she was stressed and tired.

"Yeah, that should be him, do you know where he's sitting?" John asked, scanning the café quickly. He didn't see the hair anywhere.

"Oh, I saw him head into the corner in the back of the caf." Veronica said. So he was an introvert, obviously, why else would he choose a seat closer to the back?

"Thanks Veronica!" He said accidentally noticing her freaking out about him knowing her name. Walking over to the back of the cafe, John quickly noticed the flame-like hair in an instant, his hair looked even more bright in person than on Connors profile photo.

"Hi!" John said, sitting on the opposite side of the table, Connor looked up from his phone and smiled. There was something odd about that smile to John.

"Oh em gosh! Hey Johnny!" Connor said, laughing at his own nickname which he used all the time with John. He groaned.

"I thought I told you about how much I despise that name." John sighed playfully.

"Well anyways it's good to see you, did you have something to do before you got here. I came ten minutes earlier, I had convinced myself that you were going to be early too. I guess I know that you're not good with planning."

John nodded, smiling. "Yeah my friend was working his ass off and I needed to get him out of his apartment and then time just flew by."

"Don't tell me, addicted to coffee?" Connor said jokingly.

"Yeah, can't survive without the stuff" John groaned.

"Reminds me of my friend, Kevin. He thinks he's perfect - not that he's not! He just has a few flaws like everyone!" Connor panicked.

John noticed how flustered he got by the mention of 'Kevin' but decided not to question it. They had met of a gay support group so John could tell he obviously had feelings for the boy.

From that the boys talked and talked, conversations varying from crushes to pets to holidays. Needless to say, they would be good friends, John just needed to get Connor out of his little bubble, or maybe Kevin would do that.

So here's the character list incase you were curious.

John Laurens - Hamilton
Veronica - Heathers
Connor McKinley - The Book Of Mormon
Kevin Price - The Book Of Mormon


RandomRandomness2005 - King

KarmatheCreepypasta  - princess

TsukiTheShipLord  - The street peasant (Entry - 

Please take part in the challenge of this week, I would suggest creating a separate book for these challenges since I don't want them to interfere with any plot lines you may have.

Another thing before I go! Please tag me in the entry so I can find it easier, I want to make a voting system and have winners in the SquaT, I don't know what the prize for winning a competition is, I'll have to talk with Random about it soon!

Well bye, have an amazing latter day!

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