💎 •Ruthanne Georgeson High School•

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|Dedicated to LustingLavenders |



Ruthanne Georgeson High School, RGHS or Ruthanne, as popularly known, is one of the most exclusive and prestigious secondary schools in Lagos, Nigeria; nationally known and still rising in status to be ranked among the world's best like Dawn Academy; Phillips Exeter, Georgetown and Milleur Academies, The Blue Whale College and even the Shinhwa High School in South Korea.

Situated in a serene estate in Ikoyi, one of the best residential areas in the country, Ruthanne Georgeson is one artistically and architecturally beautiful complex of white buildings.

From the six-storey classrooms block to the grand, modern library of three floors, to the 2000-seater auditorium and acres of sports fields among many of the gargantuan buildings spanning mass of land, it is little wonder why the school is a first choice for talented tweens and teenagers with potential, offering them a moulding environment with an inclusive, mixed curriculum.

Eamon Georgeson, the successful, powerful personality and Irish businessman of diverse interests, built the school just fifteen years ago and, naming it after one of his darling daughters, Ruthanne Georgeson.

Year after year, thousands of applications-as revealed by the school's Enrollment and Applications Head, Tamara R. LeBron, on the Eduspot Show-flood the department from all over the world: UK, Australia, Europe, America and even from neighbouring African countries.

Sponsorships, excursions, awards and affiliations with overseas universities and organizations are but a few of the many benefits of graduating from Ruthanne Georgeson.

With the profile presented, and the mind-boggling opportunities enumerated above, Ruthanne is certainly the coolest of the coolest, the best of the best, the s'ophisticated, King and one 'bomb' school to watch for-and not to forget, to enrol in, in 2015!

-Yvonna Shettima,
writing prodigy,
S'ophisticated, issue #60, 2015.

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     | 129, Emillé Bauer Drive, Ikoyi, Lagos. |

          A red limo rolled past the looming, opened metals of Ruthanne's gate and into the driveway of the school's premises. It sped down a wide road built through the middle of the school, with smaller drives branching off it and into various paths and walkways. The limo slid with one smooth arc into a parking area and pulled to a slow halt.

The parking area was barricaded with blue ribbons tied to low metal poles and thousands of students-Ruthanners-milled on the other side of the barricade, a silent uproar sifting through them.

A chauffeur came down from the limo and exchanged greetings with a security guard before making his way around the car, and coming to stop by its door.

The chatters quietened.

The chauffeur pulled the limo's door opened and seconds ticked. . .
everywhere still as the quiet after a storm. . .
breaths held. . .
and then. . .

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