💎 💎 •(Runaway) Author's Note• 💎 💎

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(I wonder if any of you is still out there, lol, reading this story... but anyway, I'll go ahead and put this here.)

I have virtually ignored this story, for like a year, and I just didn't want to write, or go on with it. The views it was getting demotivated me for a while (yeah, I get that shouldn't control my passion), but it's what it is.

I was so lazy, and undisciplined - I just wasn't committed. And I hated it. I HATE IT.

And I want to do this again. I want to try again. I don't know for how long I'll go, where the inspiration or drive would come from, or anything, I don't know a thing. I just want to pick up from I stopped updating here and continue sharing.

Because I still love this story. And I'm passionate about it; I believe in it.

I missed the characters and their worlds, and from observing silently on the app, I still see a few of you that love it, too. And I just want to rebuild that connection again.

I thought . . . people are still engaging. And I just shouldn't quit or let it go like that.

So, this is to say, I'm back.

I'll start posting from next week -- August 8th.

In the meantime, I've written another story, which I'll begin posting alongside this one (I'm getting a cover done). A completed first draft offline. It's a chicklit, YA novella --CITY DREAMS-- which is about four girls (POC) going to an arts college in the city to pursue their dreams of becoming international dancers (let me know what you think of this idea -- drop an inline comment here).

I am coming to the realisation of this not being about how I feel or what I want, but what is important. I hope to use the new story (one of my very earliest ideas from early teens) as a ... kind of schedule or something to guide me.

Anyway, enough said already.

I'm coming back to this book, and really this time. I hope it'll delight you as much as I find pleasure in it.

I'll drop a teaser outline tomorrow for the up-coming, exciting scenes in the elite world!

Watch out for it. And oh, I hope you'll support my next work, too 💙💛💙.

Happy New Month, and be full of positivity.


from Nolia.

Ruthanne Georgeson HighWhere stories live. Discover now