Chapter 2

2K 58 46

Song; Linsey Striling- Shadows:

Photo; Sinisterspooks on Tumblr



Max's Point of View

"We're here kid." Said the old man, as he stopped the truck. I looked out of the truck window.

'Camp Camp' the sign read. The b-e-l-l had been rubbed off over time, and 'Camp Camp' was only thing left.

"Thanks." I mumbled, stepping out of the black truck that drove me here. I walked for a couple of miles before I started hitch hiking. The truck drove away fast, and left a trail of dust following behind. I looked back at the sign with my things in hand, and began to walk

I reached the camp, and looked over it. All the tents were gone, the camp was clean. It looked peaceful.

I made my way over to the doc, and sat at the edge. Setting down my bag and violin, I unzipped my bag. I took out Mr. HunnyNuts, and laid him against my bag.

I then picked up my violin, and unzipped it from its case, and started to graze the strings with the bow.

My chin sat against the chin rest, and I soon got carried away.

I always loved the violin, it was small and holdable. It was my favorite instrument.


"Max, keep it the fuck down!" My mother had yelled at me, from outside my room. I was trying to practice the instrument, that I had purchased with my own money, that I worked hard for.

My parents were always upset at my choices. Ecpessially essially this one. I found this to be my favorite hobby, and they'd constantly yell at me for it, like I was doing something wrong. Even If I went out side for it. It sucked.

My neighbors liked it when I played, and my teachers were thrilled about it, and let me practice during recess.


As I finished calming myself down by playing the violin. Or, practicing it. It was really calming for me. That's anther reason I liked it.

I set my violin down, and grabbed Mr. HunnyNuts. I hugged him tight against my body, and began to lye down, while looking at the reflection of the sky from the lake.

My eyelids soon fell heavy, as I found myself in a deep, needed sleep.


David's Point Of View

"Grahahaha, where the fuck is it!" Gwen yelled, as she threw papers out of her jours.

"What exactly are we looking for?" I asked Gwen, while searching through the file cabinet.

"My degrees, my resume, everything I fucking need to get a damn job." Gwen yelled at me. "The paperwork so we don't go to jail because of this fucking hell hole! An information list for my experience." Gwen continued to yell. Rummaging, I looked at her confusingly.

"That makes no sense." I replied.

"NETHER DO FUCKING YOU!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. I whimpered at the sudden change in her voice.

"I'm going to check the Quarter Masters Store." I replied, quickly leaving the counselors office. Stepping out of the cabin, I looked up at the sky. It was getting late, you could tell on how the sky was painted orange and purple. I always looked Nice in this area. I love Camp Campbell so much.

Before I headed to the Quarter Masters Store, I decided to look around the camp first. I stepped on the, now leafed covered trail, and began to walk. I walked in the direction opposite of the activity field, and more twords the peer and camp area. I passed the little stage, and soon the camp area, which was now bare. Just dirt, sticks, and leaves. I sighed. I missed camp so much. Everything about it made me happy.

Besides, well almost being killed by a flying rock. The bad langaue. When the campers where unhappy. And Max.

Don't get me wrong, I love Max so much. I would even say he's my favorite camper out of all. Seeing him come back for years, always made me happy. I've known him since he was 6! Why wouldn't I enjoy him? But over the years, when he came to camp, he didn't seem to like it so much. Which hurt me. He seemed off. Not in a bad way! Just never fully aware, or, somewhat always thinking about something. Especially this year. When I found out his parents didn't care, really upset me, but he finally opened up to me, I kinda just wished, he'd open up to me more. He seems lonely, even with his friends.

Caught in my thoughts, I didn't realize I was standing at the peer, and before me, the was a silhouetted of a little boy. A little boy I knew all to well. His blue hoodie somewhat brown fluffy, brown hair.

"Max?" I asked. I quickly ran up to. Examining the unconscious boy. He had tried blood on his head, along with a huge gash.

"Max?! MAX!!!" I began to shake him to wake up. He grunted, and began to hug into himself. Alright. It looks like was just asleep. I looked at his gash again. It looked almost a day old. I looked at the items around him. He had his bear, Mr. Hunnynuts with him, a small open black back pack, and a violin set in a violin case. Why was he here?

"I told you, they didn't care."
"I told you."
"How many times do I have to say it, they don't care."

Is there something I'm missing here? I began to panic, hoping he's okay. What should I do? My heart raced. My stomach felt twisted. My breath hitched. Before long  I scooped Max, and his things up in my arms, and began to run to the counselors office.

"GWEN!" I shouted. The door of it swung ope, with a very loud;

"WHAT-?!" She cut herself off, as she had seen the young child in my arms.

"GET SATAN THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!" Gwen shouted, motion her body away from me and Max.

"Gwen!" I yelled back. The small boy moved in my arms and grunted from the noise. Signalling that I might be to loud.

"He's hurt Gwen. It could be serious. Plus, he out here alone, we can't just leave him!" I quietly replied to myself. Showing the deep cut on his head. Gwen calmed her self down and looked at it.

"Fine. Let's help the little shit." Gwen muttered. She opened the cabin door, and held it open for me, as I brought Max inside. I laid him on the bed, that hadn't moved since we packed up the camp. Allot of things were kept in the office, like the first aid kit, which Gwen was happy to grab.

Max looked peaceful as he slept. Somewhat.

"The little shit wanted nothing to do with this camp, and tried to leave all summer, why the hell did he come back?" Gwen spoke to herself, mumbling a bit, as she opened the first aid kit. She took out a bottle of disinfectant, a rag, and bandages.

I dumped the liquid on the rag, and began to clean the cut, sitting in silence with Gwen. Max stirred, feeling the sting from the disinfectant. Soon after, I put the bandages around his head. Once done, he ended up turning on to his side, facing away from us.

"My Run Away Son"- Camp Camp; DADVID-JASVIDWhere stories live. Discover now