Undertale; Impact x Trajan Part 9

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   "No...please..don't go...Trajan", I say to the dying corpse laid across my legs. "I need you..", I continue, sobbing.

   "I'm..so sorry, Impact..but...I know we'll see each other again..", Trajan replies, choking on his last words before he turned into a pile of dust in my lap. I scoop some it up, tearfully, and sob more. "Trajan...why..??..I will avenge you...", I said, bitterness slipping its way into my voice. 

   I startle from the dream with a yelp, and I feel my cheekbones. Turns out, I had been crying in my sleep, no thanks to that nightmare... I shudder at the thought of the dream becoming reality, and check my alarm clock. 7:03. Okay. I have enough time to take a shower and get ready for school.

   I slip into the bathroom and start running the water to get it heated up. Then I slip out of my cute bunny pajamas and climb in the shower. The running water felt so good on my neck; like a mini-massage. I wash up and get out to dry off. I grab a towel and wrap it around myself, and walk back up to my room. Just as I'm getting my very last piece of clothing on, I hear a knock at the door.

   "Come in!", I say, pulling my shirt down over the top half of my body. 

   "Ready for the test today, Impact?", I hear a voice say, and I whip my head around so fast that I felt like I could've snapped my neck. Trajan is standing there, leaning up against the doorway. As soon as I see he's okay, I run and give him a big squeeze.

   "Oh! What's this for, Impact?", Trajan says, putting his hand on top of my head. I look up at him, my face turning a mixture of pink and orange.

   "Uhm..it's nothing! Heheh..yeah...ANYWAYS let's get to school!", I stutter, grabbing my coat and bag and running out to the car.


   'Well, that was weird.', I think to myself, following Impact out the door. We stuff ourselves into the car and get to school just on time to get things in lockers, out of bags, and into class.

   As I walk into the classroom, Impact motions for me to sit next to him, and I do. "What is up with you today?", I whisper to him concerningly.

   "Oh! N-Nothing..", he replies, staring down at his desktop. Impact has been known to do this often when he's hiding something.

   "Okay, what are you hiding?", I say, expecting a truthful answer out of Impact. He hesitates, then looks up at me after a few seconds with glossy eyes. "Um..Impact..? Are you okay...?", I ask, and with those words, Impact smacks his head down on the desktop, softly crying.

   Just before I can say anything, the bell rings, and it's time to go to our next class.


   Sometime around 1:00, I feel my cell phone vibrate in my pocket. The vibration makes the chair rattle under my bottom, making a soft whirring sound. Before I know it, every other human in the classroom, including the teacher, is staring at me. I laugh nervously. "I'm..just gonna take this..be right back.", I say, quickly getting out of my seat and darting out into the hallway. I take my phone out and look at the screen, which reads 'Mom'. 

   "Dang it, Mom..what is it now..?", I say, frustrated that he had called me in the middle of class. The phone was still buzzing, so I answered it.

   "Hello?", I heard Mom say on the other end. "Trajan? You need to come home, now. It's urgent.", he continued, quietly panicking. 

   "Yeah Mom. Alright, I'll ask if I can leave early. Be home soon, maybe. See ya.", I say l, ending the call. I put my phone back in my pocket and put my head back against the wall, sighing.

   I walk back into the classroom and up to the teacher's desk. "Excuse me, Mr. Phylo, but I need to leave early to get home. That call was my mom, and it was something important.", I say.

   "Alright then, Trajan. I'll give you a pass down to the office and they will take it from there.", Mr. Phylo states, writing my name down on a small slip of paper and handing it to me.

   "Thank you.", I end, walking out the door and down to the office. 'God, I hope that doesn't happen again..', I think, handing my slip to the guidance official and walking out the front door..

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2018 ⏰

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