Undertale; Impact x Trajan

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    "I don't know, Dad...", I said, sitting in Dads car. We were pulled up in front of the high school building. Today was the first day of school! "What if I get pushed around? What if people don't like me?", I continued. "No one will hate you. You are an amazing son! There's no reason why you won't fit in here.", Dad replied, looking over at me.

    "Well...okay. If you're sure...", I said. "I'm abso-positively-lutely sure, son!", Dad replied.

    Standing on the concrete path, I looked up at the many windows of the school. I gulped nervously as I stepped inside the doors and into the hallway, where I was greeted by a kind human woman.

    "Hello, young man. My name is Mrs. Stone. I am the principle of the school. Would you like me to show you up to your locker?", she said. "Yes, please.", I replied. "Right! Follow me!", said Mrs. Stone, walking down the hall a bit. I followed her up to the second floor of the school to a group of blue lockers.

    "Your locker is number 2254. Right there.", said Mrs. Stone, pointing to a locker that looked big enough to store all of my things. "Thank you, Mrs. Stone. I look forward to this being an awesome school year!", I replied. "You're very welcome, Impact. Have a nice day!", said Mrs. Stone, walking away.

    "Good luck with that.", said a mysterious voice from behind me. I swiveled around to see another kid that looked like me, but much meaner-looking. "W-who are you?!", I asked, afraid that I was going to get hurt.

    "Sorry if I scared ya. The name's Trajan.", said the kid, holding out his hand. I hesitated a bit before shaking the stranger's hand. "Impact.", I replied. "You're new around here, huh? I can show you around later. After school, maybe?", said Trajan. "Sure. That would be nice.", I said.


    'Did I just offer to show a new kid around after school?! I can't stay after school! Dad would be pissed!', I thought to myself. I shrugged the thought of being beaten by Dad away, got my books from my locker, and started walking towards my homeroom class. I walked in to class and saw my new friend Impact sitting at an empty desk. No one was sitting near him, so I sat down at the desk next to him.

    "Oh, hey, Trajan! I didn't know we had the same homeroom class!", said Impact, grinning like a fool. "Me neither. But I'll get over it.", I said back, disregarding him. Impact stopped smiling and looked at me with the most heartbroken face I had ever seen. "Oh...you don't like me? D-did you want me to move?", he asked.

    I looked down at my books and tried to ignore that question. I didn't want to say anything to hurt his feelings any more. Dad always wants me to be as mean as him, but I'm not like him. I only do what he says because he beats the shit out of me when I don't.

    "No. You don't have to move. I'm sorry. You just...don't know what I go through all day, every day...", I said, keeping my head down. I could feel my face getting a little hot, but I ignored it.

    After school, I called Dad and told him I was staying after today. "What?! You worthless piece of shit! Why are you staying after?!", he yelled into my ear. "Jeez, chillax, Dad! I'm just staying after to show a new friend around the school for his first time!", I said back to him, hanging up before he could complain any more.

    "Hey, Trajan! Ready to show me around?", asked Impact, running up to me. "Yep. Come on.", I said, starting to walk off. Impact started following me, and we started going around the school. This tour had better be worth it...

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