FANDOM BRIGADE I: Avatar i (multi-fandom) 11-27-2008

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Disclaimer… I don't own Avatar: The Last Airbender, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, nor Gauken Alice. This is to poke fun at Fandoms and certain things in Fanfiction writing. Hopefully I can make it so you don't have to know about any of the fandoms to get this.



The Fandom Brigade was located in the country of Anwe and was a very nice, technologically advanced building. Six people were meeting around the table so that they could help fix some problems in the fandoms due to something that one of the new memebers had done earlier.

Three of the people there were old members, one of which surprised the three new members. The two boys that were there, both new members were nervous and were not happy about being there, but they were being forced to be there. A huge jar with the label "Jar of Mary Sues" was on the table, completely empty.

"I'll start the introductions as everyone here except for one person already knows me," one of the girls said, pushing her brown hair to reveal that her ears were pointed. "I am Lailith, know by my Edain name Irumi Hikari. I am Eldar. I also happen to be the cousin of Legolas and I hate it when Mary Sue's try to glomp him. I got in trouble with my Uncle Thranduil for sending down the river a bunch of Mary Sue's down the river from Mirkwood… not to mention a few other… trifles."

"I am Luna Lovegood," a girl said smiling at them, the rasishes bobbing from her ears. "My mom knew about the Edain and introduced me to Irumi. Irumi introduced me into trying to help take care of Krims and Fargles. That is my specialty… finding what doesn't seem to be there and pulling it out. It is our job to take the negative chaos and turn it into positive chaos…"

"With as little pain to the Fandom characters, Mary Sues and others as possible… unfortunately… I was looking forward to blackmailing people," the girl said in a monotone voice. "Though I still might do it just for fun… I am the stay behind… until we get another technological specialist, from the Gauken Alice Fandom."

"You're the one who helped us when Draco Malfoy released the Mary Sues into the ocean gap between the Lord of the Rings fandom and the Pirates of the Carabean fandom," a girl with bushy hair said.

"Yes… that was fun… I enjoyied watching a certain someone squirm when Irumi aimed an arrow at him," Hotaru smiled inwardly, not reflecting her glee in her eyes… but it was obvious that she was happy about this.

"Well, my name is Hermione… I am a book worm and I am from the Harry Potter fandom… it is Draco's fault that we are in such a big mess as this,"

"Hey! I wouldn't have retaliated if you hadn't choosen to release Mary Sue's into the manor!" Draco snapped.

"From what I'm reading in this pamphlet…" a boy with sightly dark skin commented. "Releasing it into one fandom is one thing, releasing it in multiple ones has more then just the bad effect of Mary Sues."

"Thank you Blaize… I was given a choice to bring someone to help me… I picked you because Crabbe and Goyal are to dumb… and the Mudblood vetoed them," the blond haired boy, Draco Malfoy, rolled his eyes. "Those are my two cronies. I am Draco Malfoy from the … I will not say his name!"

"Harry Potter Universe… I'm Blaize Zabini," the boy said.

"Which is why I didn't veto you… you may be Slytherin, but unlike some, you have a good shoulder on your head," Hermione commented.

"Anyways… now to the mission briefing…" Irumi commented.

"Code names… Elf Girl, Book Worm, Moonbeam, Zab and Dragon Poo…"

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