Sister Avatar (A:tLA) 11-27-2008

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Disclaimer – I was inspired by the Avatar's sister fanfics… the ones that have it so that she is a 'second' Avatar, in a no four Avatar AU… most of them… cough, try to pair them up with Zuko… and with the twin factor ones… umm… she ends up being four years younger then Zuko body wise… anyways, this is a story where Aang's sisters… yes, two of them… get frozen with him.

Sister Avatar


Iana and Dami were flying on Iana's Flying Bison from the Western Air temple. They were flying to the Southern Air temple to show Aang Dami's Flying Bison, which she had just received. The little bison lay on top of the other bison in the saddle because it was still small and couldn't fly long distances… and it fit nicely into the back of the saddle.

At least that was what Iana had told Dami. She hadn't told the little girl that their brother had been told the most important thing in his young life… that he was the Avatar. They had also made it clear sometime later that Aang's Airbending was not advancing like it should have and there was a possibility that he would be sent away from his guardian.

Iana was going to try to cheer up her little brother and then glanced back at Dami… she was six years old and had a very similar experience as Aang when he bonded with his Flying Bison. Which made her big sister laugh… but have a serious face when she found out. Her sister was a long way from actually being able to use the Air moves correctly.

As she got near the temple, she saw a Flying Bison suddenly take off from the ground and she gasped, seeing Aang taking off. She turned her bison to hurry after the boy. "Aang… what are you doing!"

"I'm running away!" the boy sobbed. "They want to send me away, so I'm going away!"

"Aang… that isn't…" but she found herself interrupted by Dami, who was holding two flying lemurs that she had become friends with.

"We run away too!" the little girl chirped.

"No!" the boy snapped, not looking his sister in the face.

"No… we're going to follow you," the older girl said. "We are family… thus we go with."


Iana watched as the boy slipped into a deep sleep as he was flying. She was concerned with the fact that storm clouds were rising. She tried calling out to him, but then lighting suddenly striked through the air. Then to their shock and dismay they felt water surrounding them and she panicked, wishing to get Dami to the surface. However, suddenly there was a glow and she found herself, her brother and sister, three Flying Bison and two lemurs frozen in the ice.


Sokka was not happy with Katara's magic as he called it. First, she had lost her temper and caused a huge iceberg to break and cause a huge tidal wave. Then she found a boy of all things in the ice and decided to break him out of the ice formation. Then there was a huge blast of air shooting up into the air, seemingly full of power. Then the boy appeared and landed near them, unconscious and when he came to the first words out of his mouth were about going penguin sledding.

"Aang… you shouldn't bother our rescuers," a woman's voice said from behind the ice rift that had been formed from the explosion. The boy suddenly sneezed and ended up launching himself into the air and landing on the other side, making Katara and Sokka raise their eyebrows and climb over.

"He's an Airbender…"

"Katara… there are no more Airbenders… everyone knows…" Sokka stopped when he saw five animals of varying sizes and two girls, one an older teenager and an eight year old dressed in red robes. "But they sure think the are…"

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