Chapter 3: Not You Again! (Picture of Greyson)

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Moving my body slowly to the beat of Lights by Ellie Goulding on the dance floor, I ran my fingers through my wild hair hoping it didn't get frizzy. I, I know for a fact the four of us have had one too many drinks, but who cares! That's exactly what we're here for, to have the time of our lives.

We were dancing in a straight line where I was facing Ava, Elsie had her back to mine moving in rhythm with me and she was facing Roxy. To say we had the attention of the entire place would be an understatement considering we were the only four on the floor!

For some reason no one else dared to come out to dance. Us girls not having a care in the world requested our favorite song and decided to show these Aruban's what we were made of. It's not like we were trying to challenge or show anyone up, we just wanted to let loose and have a great time.

Directly following an excellent dinner, we made our way over to the bar to get started on our drinking. I'd hate to see a scan of our livers after our fourteen days here! Life is short, so we were following our motto of living each day as if it were our last.

"We've got an audience." Ava yelled over the music, wrapping her thin arms around my neck and leaning forward so that I could hear her better. "They're pretty hot too, pretend to turn around and dance up on Elsie." She instructed, moving closer to my back so that we were dancing against each other front to back.

Upon turning around I looked up to meet the intense yet curious gaze of who else? The rude stranger who likes to bump into people and make ignorant remarks. Even from a distance his blue eyes sparkled brightly with a twinkle.

He was standing at the bar with a bunch of guys, what I assumed to be his friends. Great, I sure hope their personalities aren't anything like his! Every single one of their eyes focused on the four of us hungrily.

Here and there they'd lean in and say something to each other and chuckle. If they wanted to make a play for the three girls surrounding me, by all means...they were welcome to do so. I however, am happily engaged.

My facial expression turned sour as I spun my head to face the other direction uninterested. Rolling my eyes at Ava I tilted my head in his direction. "Whatever you do, promise me you won't go for the jerk." I demanded with a pointed look.

Ava was way too good for the likes of that guy, so were Elsie and Roxy. Ava grinned at me with her perfectly aligned teeth. "I promise." She twirled around happily, drunk Ava and sober Ava were two total completely different people.

When sober, Ava was very serious and composed...when drunk, she was carefree as can be. "They're coming this wayyyy." She chimed in a sing song voice. Almost as though she could sense my wanting to leave Ava spoke up. "C'mon Kam, it's not like you're being unfaithful. It'll just be dancing and talking."

Putting on a confident smile, I shook my head no telling Ava. "I'm not interested in dancing or talking to any of them." With a wink, I smiled at my best friend as the five guys were within a few steps from us. "Have fun that's my cue to go...I'll be at the bar."

"Boo Kam, you're no fun!" She pouted getting the attention of Elsie and Roxy who then added their insults. "Party pooper!" They both screamed in unison as I turned and walked the opposite way from the approaching guys towards the other end of the bar.

Taking a seat on one of the stools I leaned over and asked the bartendar for another cosmo. I tapped my fingers against the top of the wooden bar as I patiently waited for my beverage, which by the looks of things is making it's yummy way over to me right now.

"Thanks." I smiled happily as my drink was placed down in front of me. Leaning down to slurp up some of the red liquid from the filled to the brim martini glass, I heard a deep voice at the right of me. The only reason why it caught my attention was because whoever it belonged to was way too close for comfort.

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