Chapter 22: Awake

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Sitting at my desk typing up my latest article, I felt more at ease giving love advice than ever before. Things are finally starting to fall into place for Greyson and I and as crazy as it may seem, opposites truly do attract. "What's with the cheesy smile?" Ava asked leaning against my doorframe with a grin. "Did someone finally do the naughty last night?"

Shaking my head dismissively, I let out a chuckle. "No, pervert." I answered with an eye roll. "I didn't get any last night. We did however, finally let the cat out of the bag to both moms last night." The look on Ava's face was priceless as her mouth dropped open in surprise. "No way! So what happened?" She gasped rushing into my office and shutting the door behind her.

"Well aside from the fact that I fainted, I'd say they took the news rather well." I answered with a shrug of my shoulders. "Why is it that ever since you met Greyson, crazy things like almost being killed by a dolphin, falling overboard, and fainting in front of your in-laws began?" Ava wondered aloud. The fit of giggles that erupted from Ava's mouth next must have been contagious, because before I knew it we were both doubled over in laughter.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa...sounds like the two of you are having entirely way too much fun in here without us." Elsie interrupted as she and Roxy peeked their heads through the doorway. Joining us they too began laughing when I recanted my mini horror story from last night. As we sat there discussing the minor details of my upcoming wedding party, my cell phone began vibrating against my desk.

Staring down at the screen with wide eyes, I chewed down on my bottom lip debating whether I wanted to answer it or not. Should I man up and take the punishment now or wait until later? I can't prolong this anymore then I already have. "Answer the phone Kam, we all know mama Withers won't stop calling until you pick up." Elsie said with a pointed stare as her head tilted towards the phone. The phone which was currently inching its way to falling off my desk.

Finally giving in I swiped the phone up holding it to my ear. I knew damn well my mom would be far from a happy camper on the other line, so I put on my most cheerful voice. "Hi mom, how have you been?" What I received in response to my jovial greeting caused the four of us to cringe simutaneously as the sound of my mother's screaming filled the confines of my small office.

"How have I been? Did you seriously just ask me that?" Her voice wavering on a fine line of deliriousness. "Kammie Withers, why haven't you answered nor returned any of my phone calls for the past three weeks? I've been worried sick! Your father and I planned on driving down there tonight to file a missing persons report on our only daughter!"

What could I possibly say over the phone to make her feel better? 'Sorry mom I've been busy with work. Got sidetracked when Brett cheated on me, so I ran off and married his best friend. In the meantime Brett's been in a terrible accident and by the way my new mother-in-law is throwing a huge wedding bash this upcoming weekend?' Uhh, no this could not be discussed over the phone, it needed to be done in person.

"Sorry mom, it's been a little..." I paused hoping my cheap but effective answer would be good enough to placate her for now. "hectic around here. Things have finally started to calm down, so how about I come over for dinner tonight?" I held my breath awaiting another freak out and stared at the three set of eyes that watched me curiously.

They're probably wondering what the hell I'm thinking and if I planned on bringing Greyson to this so called dinner. Yes, I planned on surprising my parents tonight by bringing home my new husband. What better time to do this than tonight? Besides, I still needed to extend the invite to the wedding party this weekend.

I can honestly say I haven't been the best daughter as of late, so I was hoping this would make up for not keeping in touch with my mom as much as I should. The girls knew and loved my over the top mother dearly. We were all familiar with one another's worrywart mothers who constantly nagged us about whether we were taking care of ourselves, not working too hard, and eating right. The weird thing out of all this was that our moms became good friends with each other through us girls.

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