Chapter 4: Life and Death (Picture of Ava)

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A surprised expression crossed Greyson's face as he placed his right hand over his heart in mock pain. "Saying it that way, one would think you're unhappy to see me Kam." He said feigning shock. I wanted to smack the smirk right off his lips. Ugh...I've never met anyone in my entire life that was so frustrating! I despised him so much and it's ashame because I don't even know him.

There was just something about this guy that got under my skin. Nothing ever and I mean ever gets under my skin. I'm the calmest person you'd ever meet, I love and get along with everyone who knows me...ask all my friends if you don't believe me! Just the sight of him managed to elevate my blood pressure.

"Don't call me Kam, you don't know me." I mumbled under my breath as I glared at him angrily. This only earned me a chuckle which showed his perfectly straight teeth and two deep dimples embedded into each of his cheeks.

"Ok fine by me. I won't call you Kam anymore babycakes." He shrugged his shoulders dismissively. I narrowed my eyes at him which caused his eyes to widen. "No to babycakes? How bout lovebug, sweetiepie?" My right eyebrow raised as my chest heaved up and down, I felt like a fire breathing dragon ready to unleash my flames on him! "Hmm don't like those huh, what bout pookiebear?"

Closing my eyes I inhaled a deep breath through my nose, exhaling out my mouth slowly. Don't let this imbecile ruin your good time. I mentally chanted to myself over and over again. "Fine, you can call me Kammie." I all but growled walking over to stand next to him. "Can we get on with the lesson?"

A triumphant look reached his eyes as Greyson turned around to grab the bucket of fish. "Sure thing Kam, follow me." If looks could kill, he'd be drowned in a pool of dolphins! I thought as I stared daggers into the back of his head, following closely behind him to the steps that led into the pool.

There were two beautiful mammals swimming around the gigantic pool happily. I wondered what Greyson was doing when he whistled putting his hand up into the air. Next thing I knew both of the dolphins jumped out the water high into the air.

Greyson took me over to the side and showed me different hand signals that were commands to the dolphins to perform different tricks. I even got to feed them by tossing fish into their mouths whenever they completed a task. The dolphins squeaked happily each time they were rewarded.

My heart began filling with excitement, I couldn't wait to get in the water with them. As I went to place my foot onto the first step to descend into the pool, Sir Annoys Alot grabbed a hold of my arm with a tsk tsk escaping his lips.

"We need to lay down some ground rules before I allow you to go into the tank." He nagged. "I know you may think dolphins are friendly and lovable creatures, but they can be dangerous too...if you aren't used to dealing or handling them."

Blah, blah, blah...was all I heard and some whomp, whomp, whomp, whomp's just like Charlie Brown's teacher. Maybe I should've been paying attention to what Greyson was telling me. It may be important life saving information.

I couldn't bring myself to focus on what he was saying, it was seriously going through one ear and out the other as I stared into the pool entranced by the two dolphins staring back at me. "Did you get all that?" Greyson asked dropping the bucket onto the ground startling me.

"Uh, yea I got it all." I nodded confidently. Greyson's eyes searched my face for any form of dishonesty. Since he doesn't know me at all, he obviously couldn't tell I was lying straight to his face! I'm pretty sure whatever it was he was yapping about was just nonsense stuff.

"Ok, let's get in." Greyson said clapping his hands together. He began going down the steps into the pool. I followed his lead, the water came up to Greyson's stomach covering up four of his six pack. I being on the short side was covered up to my chest in water, practically having to tread water to stay to be vertically challenged.

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