streetwise (chapt.1)

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streetwise (adjective)

having the experience and knowledge necessary to deal with the potential difficulties or dangers of life in an urban environment.


Noise - no, not just noise. Sirens.
No, no. Alarms.

My eyes flung open with spontaneity and fear as my head felt like it was a dish cloth being rung out.

Lots of screaming.
But, hissing?

Cautiously my head turned itself over my left shoulder, to find a metal chamber of some sort. Shattered glass was all around me as the hissing noise littered my ears, there was smoke.
Wrong. Not smoke.
Definitely not smoke.

Mist was pouring out of the chamber and all over my back. As if it were an instinct my hands flung over my mouth and nose, protecting my lungs from any possible toxins.
Shakily I started to stand up- Oh, I'd been spread out on the floor. As if I'd just been dropped from the sky.

What is happening?

Was I in that chamber?

Where am I?

Who am I?

What is happening?

I decided to find out. I stood up and quickly gazed around the room, eager to leave the mist behind. The room was a laboratory of some kind, full of tables with paperwork and flasks and chemicals. The walls were covered in dried plaster that was peeling like paint, and the floor was made of cold, bitter concrete.

A door.
There was a door.

I ran over to it, the screaming and alarms became clearer in my ears, but still sounded almost underwater. All the commotion caused a sense of panic to rise inside of me.
I don't know what, but something shut it down. Something shut all of it down. All my thoughts, all my emotions.
Suddenly I was empty.
Completely empty.

I took some steps back from the door and removed my hand from my face, letting myself breathe.
I did a backflip into the door and kicked outwards, it came crashing down and now the alarms were crystal clear.
Men were running around mindlessly screaming, "Attack! Attack! Attack! Attack!"
"Shelter! Shelter! Shelter!"
"Get away! Get away!"
"It's all SHIELD!"

I listened to what they told me, though I hadn't a clue who they were. As I stepped out of the room, all the eyes were on me and the voices stopped. Legs stopped running, eyes sunk and starting staring.
Before I could say the word go I was under attack, people trying to restrain me, punch me, slap me, anything to try and get me to do something.
I had no idea who these men were, only that they were my enemies.

I fought back relentlessly - and fatally. My defences ranged from some stomach kicks to snapped necks, it was almost like I was recognising the men, giving them individually what they deserved.
But I couldn't have.

I had no idea who these men were.
I had no idea who these men were.
I had no idea who these men were.

My brain switched off, as if my body were controlling itself, and my feet start running down the corridor. It's clear of most people - but I had no idea where they all went.

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