This man was certainly some sort of self-obsessed.
'Stark Tower', really? But, it wasn't the name of the place that got me, it was it's whole state of being.
As I stepped out of the jet on its platform, the cold, strong wind instantly hit my face and blanketed my lips, sending my long hair all over the place.
The landing platform wasn't even on the rooftop, so there was a floor right in front of us. Just from standing there and observing it, there was an obvious colour scheme of metallic colours, trying to preserve a defensive appearance.I was dumbfounded, looking at all the robots whizzing and whirring, as the staircase moved up and down, as the doors opened themselves.
Nothing made any sense.
I tried not to let on my utterly shell shocked nature to Mr Stark, but he caught on anyway as we slowly walked through the doors.
"Beautiful, don't you think?"
I shrugged, "It's alright."
He chuckled, "What, have you seen better?"
I shook my head, "I've never seen anything like this. It's like your a decade ahead."
I let my eyes run loose around the room, it was a fairly chilled out atmosphere. Water features, TV, desk, bookshelf, sofa, rug etc, but the matte-feeling stone slab floors, hard corners and echoing footsteps made it feel cold and hollow.I walked to the other side of the very large room and took a seat on the sofa as Stark closed the door. The door was made of glass, and so was the entire wall that was next to it. Just a massive window. Behind it were tower blocks upon tower blocks upon tower blocks. Muffled car horns, music and talking could be heard even from up here.
What did he call this place again?
New Talk?
No...not that-"New York," Tony said, mainly to himself, whilst standing proudly at the window with his hands in his pockets, "you just can't find anywhere like it."
I nodded, remembering our previous conversation, "Especially Brooklyn."
He turned round to face me, "You a Brooklyn girl?"
I'll admit, it took me a second to understand what he was talking about.Was I from Brooklyn?
I had no idea, I didn't know what Brooklyn was, but I knew the name.In reply to his question I gave him a sarcastic smile, he came and sat next to me.
"JARVIS, give me an alert every time an airborne vehicle comes anywhere near this building. Tell me what company owns it."
JARVIS? Who the hell is JARVIS? There was no one else in the room he could possibly be talking to. Suddenly my questions are answered, as a robotic, animated voice in the ceiling responds.
"Of course Sir, am I looking for anyone in particular?"
Tony shuffled uncomfortably in his seat, the trousers and leather making a squeaky sound, "S.H.I.E.L.D."
"And can I be made aware of who the young girl is?"
"She's the one we found in the desert. I took her back here to treat her for memory loss, look after her a bit until S.H.I.E.L.D gets some sort of warrant to come get her from me."
"I see. What is your name, Madam?"I was startled by this thing speaking and thinking and forming conversation, never mind doing those things with me.
"Memory loss, JARVIS." Tony swooped in.
"Of course, I'm sorry, that was insensitive of me."
This robot ceiling voice thing sounded so human-like that it caused me to give an instant response, "It's fine."A moment passed.
"What exactly are you, JARVIS?" I spoke up, Tony smiled in amusement.
"I'm a computer animated personal assistant for Mr Stark. I help him use his suits to their full capabilities, enhance security and many other things. For as long as you stay here, Madam. I will also be your assistant."
"So you're..." My voice trailed away.
"A voice in the ceiling, but he's your friend."Tony smiled at me, before clapping his hands, "Right, let's get you sorted out. You hungry kid? Thirsty?"
I didn't really know what to say, I felt my stomach grumbling a bit, but for some reason it felt like I was used to that.
"Uh, sure. Thanks."
"No problem."Mr Stark ushered me into an elevator and within seconds we were even higher up in the building. "This floor acts as a mini hospital for me, the team and S.H.I.E.L.D, this is where we're going to treat you for your memory loss." He tapped my head.
I felt so confused I could barely string a sentence. "Tony, why are you being so nice to me? Why are you giving me all this?"
He stood awkwardly for a second, considering an answer.
"I just," he paused, "I just don't wanna see a girl like you, who's clearly been put through shit, be put through more shit."
I felt my heart go all warm, I felt safe. It felt like a new feeling.Half an hour later I'd been given some clothes by a girl who addressed herself as Pepper. She seemed very tight up, like she liked to keep things in order, but also gentle and kind. After handing me some fabric she sent me into my little hospital room. I chucked the clothes on the bed and started undressing, before slipping in the new, comfy ones.
A plain, white and baggy t-shirt, high wasted ripped jeans and black sneakers. I tucked the shirt into the jeans and tightened it with the brown belt she'd given me.
I laid down on the bed, not because I was tired, but because I was very much awake. Too awake. The bad kind. The kind where your head runs loose, dancing in circles, thinking about whatever it wants and there's nothing you can do to stop it.
So I laid there. Still. Quiet. Looking sinister and slightly dead, bitter at the edges.
Deep breaths came through my nostrils as the eerie silence in the room pierced my temples, slowly I let myself close my eyes.My entire body jolted as the door opened, Stark rambling. So shocked that my whole body sat up with my hand forward, and something indescribable happened.
Something that resembled a small lightning bolt poured out of my hand like water from a tap, heading at a thousand miles an hour towards Tony's hand. It hit him, he cursed and jumped. My own eyes widened in shock, my chest started heaving.
What had I done?
Tony examined his hand carefully, while his face was in knots of confusion. Slowly, his head turned to face me, and the realisation sunk in.
Instantly I leaped of the bed and ran straight past him, pushing him to one side. He called after me, shock and desperation in his voice.
"Hey! Kid! Wait! It's okay, come back!"
He was wrong.
How was this even remotely okay?I had to get out.
I hopped in an elevator and had it send me down to the level I arrived on, Tony couldn't catch me in time. On the quick journey down JARVIS spoke to me, "Madam, Mr Stark is looking for you. Do I let him know of your presence?"
"No."The doors opened and I started heading towards the helicopter pad, before I was stopped in my tracks by JARVIS, who was clearly making an announcement to everyone.
"A small problem, a S.H.I.E.L.D helicopter is less than a mile away and travelling at a fast speed."Shit.
Shit shit shit shit shit.
In fact, I could see it in the distance, getting closer by the second. I stepped towards the window and looked down at the street below, there was an open top van, full of sacks of something, parked on the sidewalk. A man was fumbling around next to it, I couldn't see what with but it was safe to say he was about to get in it and drive away.
I stepped back from the window and started looking for something I could use to complete the plan in my head.
Behind Tony's desk was a cupboard, I opened it up, to find something that was large, round and made of metal. There was the outline of a design on it, but no paint.
It was perfect.I stepped out onto the pad and looked up at the S.H.I.E.L.D helicopter with dead eyes. They spoke to me, "Girl, put down the weapon and raise your hands."
This thing wasn't a weapon.I stepped back a few paces, before sprinting and leaping upwards, I threw the metal right at the windscreen, it shattered but stayed intact, so in these few precious seconds they couldn't see where I was going.
The metal fell out as I started to fall also, I caught it and curled myself up in a ball, using it as a crash mat.
I barely made a sound as I fell into the opentop van, but made sure to cover myself up with the sacks, of what I found out to be potatoes.A minute later the man jumped in and drove away, taking me with him.

Weapon // Avengers OC/AU
FanficThe salty rain poured down over his hair as I sat, hunched up in a ball, thunderclouds looming in the nighttime sky. "You got a name, kid?" I swallowed dryly. "I don't know," his eyes softened, "but I used to." My voice cracked slightly. He stood, s...