Just some simple tutorials using photoshop. If you are interested, you can read this work.
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This part will not talk about how to make an effect on a picture, but how to make one of the important tools of photoshop.
That is.................
Brush. Photoshop already have some default brushes like these,
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but sometimes, we're not satisfied with what has been given there. So, we can make another one base on what we want.
How to make it?
Let start it!
Step 1 Just like the previous tutorials, make a new canvas. You don't need to make a big canvas, 200 x 200 pixel is enough.
Step 2 First, make sure that the Foreground is black. If it doesn't, you can change it by clicking the icon that is pointed with a red arrow,
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and then you can set the colour. After you finish, make a new layer (Click the icon in the red box),
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and then click the RectangleTool in the blue box.
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Make a little square like this.
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Remember, don't make a big square. The size of it should be around 1 or 2 cm.
Step 3
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If you have done, click Edit ===> Define Brush Preset, you can change the name of your brush or not, then click OK. Your brush ready to use!
Now, let we check the brush that we just made.
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Delete all the layers, except the background. Click the BrushTool in the red box, and then click the icon in the red box. Scrolled down, the last brush is your own making brush. Click it and brush it to the canvas like this.
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You can make your own canvas in any shapes. You can also make it from shape png pictures that you have downloaded. For example Dripping png picture, Brush png picture, and spray png picture. You can make your own canvas from that kind of picture.