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Taeyong knew Jennie was looking at him. He got into his car and laid his head on the headrest.
"Should i approach her back?" Taeyong thought to himself. "I don't know!!" He grunted.

Jennie looked at her phone. She was in dilemma to give Taeyong a call or not.
She stared at his contact. She hesitated to press the call button.
The door creaked. Her tuition teacher came in.
"Hey Jennie are you alright? You were terrified when you saw me coming in" Her teacher said.
Jennie laughed. "I'm completely fine,Ms! Let's get started so we finish early okay?" Jennie made a deal with her teacher.

"Is Taeyong okay?" Yuta asked the guys.
Everyone was at his home as usual except for Taeyong.
"He seemed fine just now" Johnny told.
"Really? But he didn't look fine when we were walking out from school" Yuta asked for a confirmation.
"Maybe he was sick? Who knows.. he likes to hide certain things from us ya know" Jaehyun told.
"Yeah maybe he was sick.. he didn't talk too much with me either" Ten supported.
"And! He ignored Jennie too. Usually he will approach her!" Yuta told. The boys were shocked.
"Like seriously! Ow..did something happen between them?" Jaehyun asked.
Yuta shrugged his shoulders. "Nah, i don't know. Even Jisoo doesn't know what's going on"

Just like that, Taeyong and Jennie stopped talking to each other for a while.
Jennie was upset when Taeyong just kept quiet the entire time during Physics class.
She didn't dare to talk to him. She was afraid he'd gone mad.
Taeyong didn't sit with them during recess too.
But the most weirdest thing, they always see Chungha hanging out with Taeyong during recess.
"For fucks' sake.. i hope he stops hanging out with her. Jennie's gone mad" Yuta whispered to the guys. And all of them nodded.
"I don't think so Taeyong goes to Chungha first.." Ten expressed his thought.
"Yeah bro finally, you got me" Jaehyun said and bumped their fists together.
"What happened to him actually.." Johnny said.

It has been a week since Taeyong stop hanging out with the boys at Yuta's place after school. Not only that, he didn't sit with them during recess like he always does.
"So are we gonna let it slide?" Yuta asked.
The boys let out a deep sigh.
"What do you guys think?" Ten asked for opinions.
"I think we should confront him" Johnny told.
"He's been avoiding me too" Jaehyun said.
"Gosh..this is getting more complicated" Yuta sighed.

Jennie looked around to check if Taeyong will come to them today.
"What about Taeyong?" Jennie asked the guys.
"I'm sorry I don't know why he's becoming weird" Ten apologised.
"No that's not your fault.. I have noticed it a long ago" Jennie told.
The guys looked dull without Taeyong.
Jennie sighed. "Just what is happening to you?!"

Chungha saw Taeyong sitting at the library alone reading some books.
"Hey Taeyong" Chungha whispered from a far. Taeyong saw her standing across the library.
He raised his eyebrows. "What??" He asked.
"Why are you here? Where are your friends?" Chungha asked.
"They are at the cafeteria. Why did you ask?" Taeyong replied.
"Nothing. It's very rare to see you here" Chungha said.
Taeyong scoffed. "Right.." he said.

The bell rung when the last class of the day ended.
All of the students rushed out of their classes.
Taeyong packed his stuffs and stood up to leave. Until someone grabbed his shoulder and stopped him from leaving.
"We need to talk" Yuta said with a really serious expression.
Taeyong sighed. He knew his friends must be wondering why he didn't hang out with them.
Slowly, he nodded. "Sure" he gave a short reply.

They gathered at the school's garden. Most of the students already gone back home.
"So Taeyong, please explain" Johnny said.
The boys nodded while exchanging looks.
"I know you guys must be wondering why I didn't sit with you guys like I always do. The truth is, I just needed some times alone" Taeyong explained.
"You know we never force you to tell everything. But we are like brothers, Taeyong. For the very least, you should have informed us that you need some time alone" Jaehyun voiced out.
"Okay i admit it. It was my fault okay?" Taeyong confessed.
"But why do my guts are telling me that's not the only reason?" Ten asked.
Taeyong rolled his eyes. His friends caught him.
"Tell us the truth, Taeyong. Does it have anything to do with that girl Chungha?" Johnny asked.
"Definitely not! Ugh okay let me explain" Taeyong said. And so, he told the truth why he stayed away because of he overheard Jennie's conversation with her friends about Taehyung.

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