Story 1. Brahmin To Muslim

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And Allah guides whom He wills to a straight path.
Quran 2:213

Background: I was the 3rd daughter of my parents with a younger brother, brought up in strict brahmin family in Northern india. My parents were open to friendships with the people of other religions but when it came to love marriages, other religions were out of bounds and so were other castes. The guy could be from anywhere but should be a brahmin and from a decent family.

Since my childhood, i always wondered why do the hindu gods look like us?The answer my mom used to provide it was that the God himself had to feel what feels like being a human, his trials and tribulations, the pure form of mother’s love etc., so he chose to be born as a human and thus he looks like us. But it never removed my query.

I had an abusive boyfriend, lets call him A since my graduation( he used to hit me or emotionally blackmail me attimes) and i used to think that since i have committed to him, my commitment would mean enduring everything he would send my way.

MY Story:

It so happened that i completed my graduation and got enrolled in a post graduation course whereas he had issues with this graduation. So, he got more frustrated and he used to vent it out by hurling abuses and hitting me at times. The next year, he completed his graduation and secured admission in a different college, I got shifted to my college hostel and in the meanwhile, our parents came to know about us and got to an understanding that they will marry us off when we both are settled in our careers.

After his admission, he used to spend more time with his friends and roommates and i used to wait the entire day for his 2 minutes call around 1 or 2 AM in which he used to tell me that he was tired and will goto bed.

I focused on my friends and i made 2 of them - one girl and one boy. Now we 3 became a tight bunch. Talking on the phone late nights and always being together.

This boy, he was a muslim and there were so many things that intrigued me about him. He gradually started giving us dawah. The first night both of us girls agreed to whatever he was saying but the girl dismissed saying, “ what you are saying is right, but let it be”. But it got me thinking.

Why so many religions, why was i a hindu, what was the purpose of life, why God created us etc.

Over the period of 8–9 months, i would hurl questions and my friend would answer it. Gradually our female friend drifted apart and both of us, i.e. me and that guy used to talk on this topic only. It was him who introduced me to Dr.Zakir Naik.

During this time, i had grown fond of this new guy and A realized it. he started with that u both are attracted to each other, lets call him D. So, i pestered D with this question until he agreed but he said he doesn’t want to bother my life with anything related to him so he planned on moving away.

Also, meanwhile i had realized that Islam was my true calling and in no way i could go on with A and if i accept islam, my parents would disown me.

I told A i was ending it with him. he took it lightly. but when he realized i was serious, he blackmailed me, tormented me, begged and pleaded and when nothing worked informed my parents that i was having an affair with a muslim guy. I replied that A was abusive and my parents let it go and defended me.

Now, i expressed my concern for conversion to D, about surviving alone in the world when my parents will abandon me and i was not even earning at that time. D came to my rescue and said “If you choose to convert, i will do everything i can to help you out, even if it means to go against my family, i will do it only for the sake of Allah.”. I got some confidence.

I reverted to Islam but my parents still didn’t know. they thought i am in a relationship with a muslim guy and i didn’t clarify. I knew they will not understand islam and will create hurdles for me.

After trying for 1.5 years, I eventually left my home and my parents and chose Islam and got married to D. During this 1.5 year, D’s parents met me, agreed to support us and took me in their family. I still remember what my father in law said the first time we met. He said, “I always wanted a daughter and Allah swt has given me 1 today. Even if you both don’t get married, you will still be a daughter to me.”

My parents, like i always thought, disowned me, asked me never to contact them or anyone they knew. I obeyed them with a heavy heart. My college friends disowned me due to change in my appearance and my thoughts and my childhood friends left me because i disobeyed my family. So, i lost everyone i knew pre islam.

I am now a practicing muslim with a very loving husband, awesome parent in laws and a 1.75yr old daughter.

P.S. I do not regret my conversion but i do miss my family. i make dua’ to Allah swt that my parents see the light and accept it before their deaths. May Allah forgive them and accept them in aakhira’h

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