Story 2. Buddhism To Islam

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Allah guides to His light
Whom He wills

Surah Al Nur, verse 35

Before she covered her head and face with the niqab, married a man who had converted to Islam, gave birth to five children, and spoke out in favour of polygamy (she has not denied reports her husband has a second wife), Nora Illi was a normal young woman from canton Zurich. She partied, experimented with Buddhism and was a vegetarian. Illi is now possibly the best known female convert to Islam in Switzerland.

On a trip to Dubai at the age of 18, the call to prayer from a Muezzin was an epiphany. In 2002 Illi converted to Islam, only two weeks after her boyfriend and now husband became a Muslim. Both are members of the radical Islamic Central Council of Switzerland, which has drawn controversy due to its contacts with extremists and radical preachers.

Illi explains that she herself once harboured prejudices against Muslims. “I thought Muslim women were oppressed.” However, she came to the conclusion that inequality is often a cultural issue, and doesn’t come from Islam. She claims women can be active outside the home.

That's Illi above in the picture...

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