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Its been three days since dad left us, since I came into Minho hyung's life. I made his life misserable as always. He didn't even introduce me to his friends.

So, I always ended up being alone and being bullied in school. It seems very normal, very normal to me.

I checked the time and it was 12 in the midnight, I can't even sleep properly even though I tried many sleeping ideas. And yes, I'm sleeping on the couch everynight. It didn't bother me at all.


I heard two clear, and loud knocks from the front door. I was really surprise, I was freaking out wether to open or not.

What if it was someone I don't even know? What if they come in again and tried to kill me? Just like what happened when mom was still alive, and that was the reason why she died. Murdered.

Sighing, I stood up from the couch and went to the door. I slowly twisted the door knob and opened it, firstly looking at the shoes.

It was not one, not two, nit three but more. I lifted my head and saw Minho hyung's squad. This guy who looked like a dessert fox waved at me smiling.

I just awkwardly smiled back at them. "Can we come in?" One of them asked, I think he's Felix. Whatever, I just moved a little distance for them to freely come in.

They all sat on the couch,except for the guy named Felix. He just rushed to the refrigirator and started hunting some food, whatelse.

"Hi! Your name is Jisung, right?" The dessert fox asked. I shyly nodded my head to him.

"Have a seat Jisung, stop standing there." Another guy asked and he tap on a vacant seat beside him.

I accept his offer and immediately sat beside him. "D-Do you guys want to see my brother? I can call him-"

"No, Jisung, its fine. Dont mind about him. For now, we want to know you more. Since Minho didnn't even introduced you to us." Woojin said, I know him, he's the president of our class.

"And, we really want to know you. Lets start with me. I'm Hyunjin."

"I'm Bangchan, just call me Chan."

"The name's Changbin."

"My name is Jeongin~" So he's name is Jeongin.

"I'm Seungmin!"

"I'm Woojin, as you all know. And that guy ovee there," He pointed at the boy whose infront od the fridge. "That's Felix. He loves food. Dont mind him."

I just nodded at them, "Now introduce, Jisung." Hyunjin hyung said.

"I'm Han Jisung, I'm Minho's brother, as you guys all know. Before I got in here, my mom already died. She was murdered infront of my own eyes."

"M-Murdered? Really?" Hyunjin hyung asked and I nodded. The image of her being killed infrint of me flow up like some air. I can't forget how she was killed. It hurts so bad.

"Stop crying, bro." I felt a thumb wiped across my right cheek. I quickly looked at that person, it was Felix.

"Uh, thanks. Sorry for crying in a sudden way." I apologized and they smiled at me.

"It's okay Jisungie hyung!" Jeongin said cutely and I just smiled warmly at him. This creature is so precious.

"Oh, by the way. Since we already met you in a nice way, we want you to be a part of Straykids. Our squad." Woojin hyung said which lighten me up.

"He can't join. He will never join our squad." Everyone became quiet and looked at the person who just said that.

It was Minho hyung, his eyes we're so dark. It can kill me anytime soon. I just lowered my head being upset.

"You can't just do that, Minho. I'm the leader of the squad. Not you, I can remove and add members as far as I want to. So he's a part now, you have nothing to do with it." Chan said which made me lift my head and look at them.

"Fine then fine. But still, I don't accept him as a team member and a brother." Minho hyung said. My heart started to ache from those words he said. No one will never accept me. No one will.

I let out a sigh, a sigh of sadness. "Don't mind about your brother Jisung, he's always acting like that, but his heart can also melt just like an ice cream does.

"Yeah, I hope so."


They all went home since Jeongin started crying because him and Hyunjin fought about the game. Plus, everyone feels sleepy.

Minho hyung didn't even dared to go out of his room, again. Which is fine and normal. He's always like that anyways.

I also feel sleepy now, I lay down the couch and covered myself with the blanket I always use.


"What the hell Chan! I can't believe you add him. Jeez. You know that I hate him and I don't wanna be with that boy." I complained through the phone only to hear his laugh and Felix's snores.

"I don't care, Minho. He's still your brother no matter what happens. And you'll accept him one day. And besides, don't you feel pity on him?" He suddenly asked. Which made me curious.

"Pity? Pity for what?" I asked back and sat on my bed while playing with a fidget spinner.

He sighed, "His mother died. His mother is the only person who made him exist, who made him feel like he was a part of the world. But his world was crushes, when she died." He paused.

"His mother was murdered, in front of his own eyes, Minho. Shouldn't you be the one to comfort him. He's still suffering from what happened. Don't you know?"

"Yep, I don't know and I don't give a fuck." I let my mouth said it all out, I ended the calk and put my phone aside. It already 3 in the morning yet, there is no signal of me being sleepy.

I decided to go downstairs for a snack, maybe it will help me fall asleep. As I reached the living room, I heard some sobs near the couch.

With all my curiosity, I checked it out. It was Jisung. He's quietly crying, many tears are welming down.

I bent down t meet his face, "Yah. Wake up." I said and violently shake him to wake him up.

But he's still crying, is he having a nightmare?

"Yah! I said wake up!" I yelled and his eyes opened wide as he suddenly sat up. He was breathing for heavens sake.

I was taken aback from the sudden action. He then looked at me, he started to cry again.

"Mom..." He whispered under his breath, his voice was cracking a shaking. I just stared at him.

But my stare felt different from before. I felt my feet lift me up and made me sit beside him.

"Mom!" He cried out while looking at me, he's having a breakdown. Is he always like this? Everynight? Always thinking about his mom?

"Shh. Stop crying. You're fucking scaring me to death." I said and wrap my arms around him, just to comfort him.

As long as I want to let go because I hate this person, something is stopping me from the inside and I can't  even control it.

But this boy, needs to calm down for Gods sake.

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