Chapter 20

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Unknown POV.

I was tired and completely spent with all the travelling and all I wanted was to go to Anne's and have a nice, long nap.

As my flight schedule messed up, I decided to cancel it and enjoy a while in Cheshire with Anne.

I call Anne to let her know that I'll be staying with her for a while.

On the fourth ring she picks up,"Hello?"

"Hey Anne," I greet, my voice sounding knackered to my own ears.

"Baby! How are you? Where are you? Why the sudden call?" The woman springs all the questions at a time and I frown.

"I'm good, tired though. I'm currently in Cheshire and called you to let you know that I'll crash at yours for a while, my flight's messed up so I just wanted to spend a while with you if that's okay," I yawn and rub my eyes, hailing a cab for myself.

"Oh, that's wonderful and of course. But where you going all of a sudden, love? Not that I mind you staying with me."

"Oh I was about to visit my fam in Bradford and the plane was via Cheshire. I don't really know what happened but the flight messed and here I am struggling to find a place to stay, so um...yeah."

"Ah love, that's terrible. I'm out but I'll just message you the address." Anne said.

"Yeah, fine but when will you be home? Also I'm not intruding or anything right?" 

"Honestly I don't know but I'll be a while. And absolutely not but just remember one thing yeah? Don't tell anything to anyone."

"Yeah I know, I wont't. I'll just head to your house now, then?" 

"Yeah, Just go to the flat and use the keys that are under the mat. Harry will be mostly out with another of his flings," she answers and I nod, agreeing.

I bid goodbye and hang up. I get into the cab and sigh at the warm seats. My phone pings indicating a message from Anne. I rattle off the address and rest my head against the cold glass and look at the sky. It wasn't a typical day with grey clouds shunning the sun, in fact the sun shyly peeked out.

My pale reflection stares back at me and I sigh, closing my eyes again. My hair was mussed up and my eyes looked red and I was a mess. A tired mess but.

The car halts and I jerk awake, handing over money to the cabbie, I drag my suitcase to the lobby and wait for the lift to arrive.

Lugging my heavy suitcase inside, I wait until I reach the floor and knock on the door availing no response. Too cranky, I use the spare key and open the door.

The door opens and I'm hit with the smell of vanilla and pine lingering in the air. The environment is quite cool and the house is modern.

"Harry?" I avail no reply so I assume that like Anne had told me earlier, Harry had gone out.

I take my luggage from the hallway and make my way towards the rooms, I suppose judging from the 4 sleek wooden doors.

The walls were cream coloured but there was these occasional splashes of golds in the hallway and I find myself running my fingers across the rough surface.


Hola people!!!!!!

Look who's back?! It's me again.

I know I know it's wayyyyyyy later than 22nd of March and honestly I've got no excuses except that I'm a very very lazy person😅😅.

Here I am now tho so you may enjoy the chapter which got published after almost 4 months. Sorry guys but now continue reading this book yeah?

Anygays, How have you been my sweet sweet marshmellows? I'm sorry for updating so so so late but tbh I was having writers block. I don't really know where this story is going but I'll figure it out, don't ya'll worry.

So, how was the chappie? I know, Shorter than the previous one's but an update after all. What'll happen now? Any guesses? Who is this unknown person to Harry and what will they do with the recording? So many questions...Think ppl, think.

Don't forget to comment and vote guys bcoz ya'll know how much I am a sucker of appreciation.

Okkksssssssssss thennnnnnn. I'll maybe talk  to ya'll later but don't hesitate to come to me if you ever need my help.

Bye bye, my lovely readers. Watch out for the next update.

Until then.

Malu :]

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