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3rd person

"So I usely start off my tour's with a little history and contects" Betty smiled as she lead Veronica around the school for her required tour.

"Riverdale opened in 1981-" Betty began but Veronica cut her off.

"And hasn't been redecorated sense apparently" she said as she scrunched up her nose. Betty sighed as she tried to stay nice for her image and for Adalynn's sake.

"So what's the social scene around here? Any night clubs?" Veronica asked with a smile at the blonde.

"Ugh a strip club called the hoe zone and a tragic gay bar called in your window. Friday nights football games and tail gate party's at the mall park. Saturday is movie night regardless if it's playing st the bijiou and you better get there early we don't have reserved seating in Riverdale. And Sunday nights is HPO" Kevin said to the two girls.

"Veronica Lodge meet Kevin Keller. Kevin is-" Betty began but was once again cut off.

"Gay let's be best friends" Veronica said with a smile. Kevin not asked about Veronica's father which changed her whole mood as the three began to talk slightly about it until then Veronicas eyes noticed a familiar brunette closing her locker.

"Awh there's the cutie I met yesterday. Adalynn I remember" Veronica smiled as Betty motioned for her to come over.

"Veronica nice to see you again, loving the outfit. Kev, Betty you two look amazing as always" Adalynn smiled as Kevin linked arms with her.

"Wow your like the definition of perfect aren't you?" Veronica smiled at the tan skinned girl in front of her. Slow frond at the word as she remembered her parents . 'always be perfect Adalynn. It's the only way you'll get anywhere in life'

"I wouldn't say perfect but thank you V" Adalynn smiled st the girl as she noticed her blush at the nickname.

"Hey Addi!" A loud voice said to her as he walked by.

"Hey Moose." She smiled politely.

"See you in 2nd" he called out to her as he made his way down the hall. Kevin watched longingly toward him.

"Is that your boyfriend?" Veronica asked as she smirked at her new friend.

"Oh no way. We've been just close friends forever. I'm not really-" Adalynn began but Kevin cut her off.

"Adalynn is way to good with Moose anyway. He's a big time player with a smoking body might I add" Kevin added in causing the two to laugh lightly.

Veronica was sat between Adalynn and Betty at the school gym where everyone was gather to here Cheryl talk about how her brother Jason Blossom was missing after there experience at sweet water river.

"Many of you were lucky enough to know my brother. Each and ever one of you went the world to Jason. I loved my brother. He was and always will be my soulmate. So I speak with the confidence only a twin can have when I say he wouldn't want us to spend the year morning Jason would want us to move on with our lives. Which is why i've asked the school board no to cancel the back to school simi formal" Cheryl spoke through a mic on stage which caused all the students to bust out in cheers. As Cheryl continued to speak Adalynn feel out of focus as she no longer heard anything around here. All she could focus on was Cheryl Blossoms smile and beautiful painted lips along with her chocolate painted lips. Adalynn continued to stare lovingly at Cheryl's red hair and bright smile until she was shaken by Veronica.

"Sorry Veronica I didn't get much sleep last night. What were you saying?" Adalynn made a excuse as she now looked at the raven haired girl who looked at her with soft eyes.

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