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3rd person

Betty, Archie, and Veronica stood in the Andrews living room as they explained what had happened with them breaking into F.P's trailer and how the gun was planted. Betty was off on the phone with her mom until she approached them teens and there parents

"Guys" Betty said softly as the all got quiet and looked at her.

"My mom just called. She's at the hospital, with Adlaynn. She stopped breathing" Betty said as tears formed in her eyes

"No" Archie said as she quickly rushed out the house

"Oh my god" Veronica cried out as her mom hugged her.

"Let's get to the hospital. Now!" Marry yelled as everyone rns out the house and sped to the hospital


As everyone arrived Betty caught sight of Her moms hair.

"Mom!" She yelled as the two ran toward each other and hugged tightly.

"Is Adlaynn okay?" Archie sloan up quickly as his eyes wheeled up with watery tears.

"We don't know. No ones told me anything! They took her in the back and she wasn't breathing and No one has come out here in the past hour to tell me if my daughter is dead or alive!" Alice yelled as a boy next to her wiped his tears.

"Who's this?" Fred asked gesturing toward the boy.

"This is Fangs. Adlaynn's friend. From the southside" Alice said as she rubbed the boys arm softly as he was upset.

"Alice what happened? Why did she stop breathing?" Mary spoke up as she was obviously worried for the girl she had watched grow up until two years ago.

"She was just crying about all of this. How she wanted it to go back to normal, and about everything that happened in Riverdale. And then all of a sudden she just looked at me. No sound, no pupils and then she feel and hit her head on the counter. Once I checked her pulse she wasn't breathing" Alice cried as Betty hugged her again.

"Cooper?" a loud doctor voice said witch made the group glance over to him.

"Adlaynn..... she's awake. She's breathing" The doctsiad withch made everyone sigh and thank god silently with smiles and laughs.

"Can we see her?" Fans spoke up as he shrugged off his Serpent jacket hoping it wouldn't freak the doctor out.

"Yes. We require only one at s time right now. To me stress and commotion could send her heart to stop again" Doctor. Lounder said.

"Go ahead honey" Alice said to the the boy who gave her a look asked as if she was sure and Alice nodded as she took his jacket for him and watched him run down the hallway to get the her room. Once Fangs arrived he opened the door and walked in quietly. The door shut witch caught Adlaynn's attention immediately.

"Fangs" she grinned. He smiled widely as she walked over to her.

"What are you doing here?" she said weakly as he rested his hands on the side of her hospital bed.

"I was hear when you where brought in and couldn't help but want to see you" He smiled sadly as she let out a cough.

"Do you feel okay?" he asked worried for her.

"Just weak feelings" she smiled with her eyes closed as they re opened.

"How'd this happen? You just stopped breathing" he sighed

"They said it was from not getting air to my lungs and from going into internal shook. Something like that at least" She shrugged softly. Adlaynn reaches out and rubbed the side of Fangs face softly as she smiled lightly at her until the door flew open.

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